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    Sherman-S / Inmotion V11

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  1. Nevermind, I somehow missed the very first video in the forum right now..... there 6208-2rs
  2. Can you of you fine folks tell me the model of bearings used on the Sherman S?
  3. I made these parts and they fit fine. You must have bee putting them on upside down. Look at the number of likes it has, they fit fine friend.
  4. Hey All, I've been having issues with my shocks and I'd like to hear if others are too. I ride alot, I mean alot! Usually with a 60/40 mix of road/off road. Typically, I can get about 1000-2000 miles out of a brand new shock before I'm forced to refill it to 150psi before every single ride, sometimes multiple times during one ride. As if this wasn't annoying enough, I am only able to screw onto the valve stem maybe 100-150 times before the threads wear out and I'm forced to buy another new shock for $60-80. As an example, the last shock I have installed was installed on 7/6/2022, it's now 10/13/2022 and my shock looses about 60PSI within minutes to a 1-2 hours of riding, wo/ jumps I now am the owner of no less than 3 sets of shocks and i'm getting tired of it. Like everyone else, any time I would let air out of the shock lubricant would flow out as well. However, after just a few times, no more lubricant is ejected. I'm not overly rough on my wheel, and even less so when I know the shock is starting to leak. I want to maybe buy the new v13 but if the shocks have not changed, I don't see how it would be a good buy. So I'm curios, are others having this issue? I would think with me having to replace the shock 6 times, others would also be seeing this and may have a solution that doesn't perpetually put money into inmotion's pocket for a crappy shock design (imo)
  5. I strongly recommend against using the 3d printed version of these seals. I have ruined several bearings with these home made seals. You can however (if you have the 6916 bearings) pic up a mass produced seal from e-wheels that seems to be better suited for the wheel.
  6. An, they only offered surgery, but I had a few days to research with dr google and it was pretty clear surgery was my only hope. Fully displaced break on the distal end of the clavicle, and a complete torn tendon. I’ll say it again, I loved the doctors, nurses, and surgeon. It’s just everything else about healthcare that just screams of shady practicies. Even the concept of insurance seems counterintuitive. By its very nature an insurance company can’t be there to do what’s best for the customer.
  7. I remember slowly rolling while airborne, landing directly on my right shoulder. My jacket did have pads on the shoulder, but they are pretty thin. What’s funny is the only “damage” any of my clothes got was a small abrasion on the ass of my pants.
  8. I think of myself as a pretty skilled rider. I’ve got about 6k miles on my wheel and always wear my motorcycle padded jacket, helmet, gloves, and knee/shin pads. So it was 8/27, sun was setting and I was 2/3 of the way through the loop I typically ride after work. I was excited because I had just put a new tire, bearings, and bearings seals and was enjoying the glassy smooth ride. im no writer but I’ll try and paint the scene for you. It was dusk, but still well lit. I had just finished a nice dirt trail section and had popped back out onto the street, with the sun sorta in my face. so, I reached up and flicked down my sun visor. We’ll it so happened that the city had been doing some road work on that street for a month or more, and had been slowly working their way further down the street. So it wasn’t out of the ordinary to see orange cones lining the edge of the road now and then. im not sure the reason, but the city thought it a good idea to offload a few cubic yards of dirt extending from the sidewalk to just past the center of the lane. this is not a post blaming anyone but myself for my wreck, I just want to highlight this “perfect storm” of circumstances that culminated in a very painful and expensive introduction to the American health care system. so this dirt…. We’ll it was dark in color. There technically were orange cones put out, but they were lined up on the side walk and not in the roadway. the entire pile of dark colored dirt, only 2-3 feet tall and about the same in depth, lacking in any safety cones lay in wait for me, It color further darkened by my freshly deployed sun visor. the final bid of bad fortune in my story come from a perfectly placed evening shadow cast by a rather large tree somewhere close by. This shadow fully covered this doubly dark, unmarked pile of dirt. Somehow my eyes didn’t catch it until it was just a few feet ahead. Of course I attempted to stop or dart around it but with no success. it was an odd sensation when I hit the dirt. It acted more like a professional catchers mitt, for my wheel anyway. It just sorta, disappeared from beneath me. The sensation of floating in the air seemed to last forever, and, to quote an obscure bare naked ladies song, “the worst part was hitting the ground. Not the feeling so much as the sound”. it was one of those, lay on the ground groaning for 1-2 minutes before being able to gather myself to look around and see if I was at least spared the embarrassment of an audience. I sprung to my feet and quickly as I could hoping to shake off the pain I had in my shoulder. But I realized in a minute or two that, at the age of 41, I had my first broken bone. I was soon met by some very nice folks of the neighbor hood who tending to me with water and pain pills while I contacted my SO for a ride. a week later I was in the hospital, wearing that iconic “ass open” gown prepping for surgery. Using a titanium plate, 4 screws, And a foot of surgical cord a nice doctor patched my fully displaced clavicle back together. Due to how bad a portion was shattered they had to use a plate that will need to be removed in 8 months. I am so very thankful for what medicine can accomplish these days. the whole processes was so efficient! Though I felt like a car on the assembly line being handed off to person after person all the while confused by what I was being shown and told, i have to give them a hand on their swiftness. I saw the doctor and was on the operating table less than 24 hours later. I’m assuming the did great work and I thank them so very much. And that I s the very last good thing I could say about my countries for profit healthcare prison. im one of those, reads the TOS and privacy policy guys. I like to know what I’m agreeing to. So I was a bit surprised just how easy, and often they make it to sign away all sorts of things. This is the exact conversation I had multiple times with multiple health care providers. provider: ok mr ME, if you’ll just sign the little black electronic signature pad in front of you so that we can treat you and bill your insurance” ME: I’m sorry but I’m not sure what I’m about to sign provider: no worries, we’ll print the finished copy off for you so you can read it once your done signing. ME: I have to protest, could I please get a print out of the paperwork needed to “treat me and bill my insurance” Provider: I called my manager over to assist manager: (looking quite perturbed with my burdensome request) sir if you don’t sign we won’t be able to treat you. ME: ok but you would agree that only the foolish sign blindly. begrudgingly it seemed, they would manage to print me the agreement. what I though would a not much more than a couple of lines of text turned out to be 8 pages of legalize that I took at least 10 minutes to read. The stuff it said was blood boiling, confusing, vague, and clearly intended to ensure maximum protection for the hospital while simultaneously win held harmless themselves of any liabilities caused my mistake, or neglect. I signed this document…. I wasn’t happy but they had me right where they want me, with no options. imagine my delight when I repeated that process exactly 12 times over the course of my stay with them. yes, to get cared for in my home county using the insurance that I’m forced by law to have, and pay a premium for, I had to sign 12 documents all of the, geared to maximize profit while minimizing cost and liability. oddly enough, just 2 days after my surgery my dog had surgery on her knee joint. I found it quite funny when my SO scanned and sent some of the documentation our vet gave us to the hospital as an example of how to inform and instruct the patient on the whole experience. We’ll written, in plain English with no half words, shorten words, or acronyms. I’ll get better, I dread receiving the upcoming bills and/or letters of denied coverage I’m sure are on the way. But I can’t wait to get back on the road, this time with top of the line chest/shoulder protection. I wish greed wasn’t the driving force behind humanity. always wear protection, it literally can save your life.
  9. I have never replaced them with bearings from Inmotion. The first set of bearings I purchased were the 6916-rs2 But those failed along with the motor so i sent in my wheel at the vendor's request. They then replaced the wheel with (I'm guessing) a 1st gen wheel because it came with 6816-rs2 bearing. After a few hundred miles I then replaced the bearings with what I thought was a mid-grade bearing but they failed after 200 or so miles. So then I replaced them with cheaper bearings which lasted about 500 miles. I then replaced those with the mid-grade bearings, and tonight I've installed a round of the cheaper bearings again. As quickly as I seem to go through them, I find the $15 bearings work as good as the $40 ones do. Tonights experiment is to fit these suckers on the wheel and see if they help keep the dirt out.
  10. Historic Info So, I'm a semi fast rider with 3300 miles on my V11. No Jumps, I try to avoid rain and puddles, but I do enjoy a nice mountain Bike trail so long as I don't have to walk my wheel too much. Which is why I'm surprised by the amount of issues I've had with my wheel. I'm not on my 6th set of bearings ( i admit, I'm a bit sensitive to rough sounding bearings). I've also had replaced under warranty (by the shipping the wheel to the vendor) the following. 2X Motors, Controller board, Motherboard, tail light, and 2 shocks. Today's issue Finally, after 3300miles I took my wheel apart to swap out a new tire, and I found this gem on the motherboard. I've already reached out to the vendor asking for another Motherboard replacement, and will replace it myself If they don't honor the warranty. I'm curios if anyone else has had this issue, what the possible cause could be, and to understand the risk if any if I continue to ride with this defect this coming weekend (seeing how they have not invented transporters yet, and Fedex/UPS sucks.)
  11. Yes, This issue is now resolved for me. The underlying issue was that the batteries had to be calibrated to work. Basically, when they installed the new batteries in the wheel they did not fully charge the batteries, and/or apparently didn't remember this calibration step. I was instructed to fully charge the wheel (which made it non-functional) then at exactly 7.30PM last night My Vendor called me. He was in communication with the inmotion folks back in china and had me enter the app and go into "remote diagnostics" mode by going to the diagnostic page of the app and doing a long press on the diagnose button. This brought up a dialog stating that the remote diag was running. Then I just had to wait on hold for about 10 minutes or so while the inmotion folks logged into my wheel and did whatever they needed to do. After this was done I just rebooted the wheel and it's been running ever since. Though, I do now have a side question. My motor was also replaced. They called and asked if it was ok if they replaced it with a rebuilt motor which I was fine with so long as the new motor had the same warranty as a new one would. I also expected it to be replaced with the same version. My wheel came with the 6916 bearings, but my returned motor came with the 6816 bearing. Is this something I should care about? the 6816 are significantly smaller but I'm not sure if that's bad, good, or neither. The replacement motor works / looks fine, thought it seems a bit more rough in the 1-3mph range, especially when accelerating, but above 3mph it seems fine.
  12. So, just to follow up, I reached out to the vendor and should hear something back tomorrow. With nothing else to do this morning I was fiddling with wheel and noticed that in the new firmware the wheel doesn't go crazy when you lift up on the wheel without first tapping the kill switch. So took two ropes and hung the wheel a foot off the ground, which made the wheel turn at like 2mph. I then turned on the light (and with it the fan) and lit is spin... and it did for 8 solid hours! I thought, ok, lets check the voltage now, still 86.... So I grabbed my dead iOS devices and started charging. I was able to charge my ipad mini from 20%, and my iphone 11 from 30%, along with the light and spinning wheel before I saw the voltage drop to 84.5v. the app still shows 100% power as well. I was pleasantly surprised when I took the wheel down from it's makeshift hammock and powered it up and the damn thing did not bend over to 30 tilt! I'm still going to work with the vendor to see what in the hell could have happened, and if my power charger might have something to do with it. Of course, with my luck this all comes together at 11pm on Sunday.
  13. Interesting, I did notice while chartering that my charger got extremely hot, like almost to hot to hold. Any idea what the culprit may be? Think I can run down the batteries some how, and would that fix it? it literally just came back from repair one day ago, 2 brand new batteries, new controller card, and a “new” motor, wonder if those batteries are hosed now…
  14. Well the pack info reads 99% capacity Voltage 85.9 Charging Voltage .2 And detailed view shows 86.5v for both packs with work status "normal" Here is a video of the issue when I turn it on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnZbioLosbU
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