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castShadow last won the day on January 27 2015

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    lost in TX, USA -lol

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  1. Yes it should be possible with all EUCs. They need a clean jump-off and also they know which way it is leaning and it will turn in that direction in a circle so they can head it off. Jumping back on with both feet means you have to land on both pedals simultaneously even though it looks like one foot goes first. You can touch the pedal lightly with the first foot but don't put weight on it by bending that leg until the other foot is in place then both feet lands with weight. But besides that, they also demonstrate riding on one foot, jumping off on one foot and jumping back on with one foot as well. To do this you have to learn to ride with one foot. Also maybe the large wheel they are using maybe makes it easier, or they just make it look easy, and/or the padding also helps - but many can ride one foot with practically any wheel (except the odd 5" wheel maybe with no side support at all). I like how tight a circle they can ride almost spinning in place.
  2. The singularity approaches.
  3. This is an alternative to what you can do instead of riding fast. These are all low speed practicing. I found this video channel and they ride with ease. I want this level of riding ability. It took me a while to recognize what they are riding. Videos by GookGai22. Do you recognize the wheel? I believe I know what it is. On another video they call 9-wheel, that is on rollerblades and riding the wheel if you can picture that
  4. Here is an Airwheel Q3 dual-tire 14-inch. This is Minnesota Digger, a treasure hunter and this video is from June 2014 which is a long time ago now and in the beginning of this video he mentioned he has ridden 160km or 100miles on this Q3 by this point and he estimates 20mile range per charge. Unedited (no cuts) riding around demo of the Q3. It looks like a tank doesn't it?
  5. Heh he - you don't understand the fear there is of a dual-tire EU Are you saying you are riding your Q3 and it is very usable?! Wow ... But seriously, the single tire riders can't do that. It's just because they haven't learned how. I don't have enough practice and when I switch to dual tire there are aspects of the ride that is disconcerting until I get used to it again. This is of course why I always wanted one so I could "feel" this alternate world of potential that is not available to the usual EU rider. There's another person who wrote that when they ride their dual-tire once in a while it would just veer off and throw them off. They haven't learned yet or haven't figured out what this Q1 rider and yourself obviously know because the Q1 guy obviously has no problem at all with obstacles and moving pedestrians and road surface inconsistencies, etc. The wet season is the slick time of year.
  6. Nearing winter conditions? Streets and sidewalks slightly moist? Patches of mud dampening your riding spirit? Well yes I did just slip outside on a neighbor's slightly muddy sidewalk on a single wheel - - so I came in and switched to the dual-tire Inmotion V3. My assumption is that the dual-tire will not slip as easily so I rode around the block again - saw the single tire tracks and found the slide mark where the single tire slipped - and rode right through. The dual tire such as the Q1 above may just be usable when the single tire wheel is no longer usable - in slightly wet and slick conditions. The San Franciscan is a much better rider than me - - I just need a lot more time on the dual-tire EU. Where is the Minnesota Digger when you need him with his Q3?
  7. I don't understand these two points actually "...the bottom-most screws broke off..." -- there are no visible body screws, but screws are inside, do you mean them - or do you mean the screws on the pedals maybe? "...turn off the fading of side-lights..." -- do you mean the LEDs on the front and back and top? There are no lights on the sides, no? It sounds like you turned off the LEDs maybe?
  8. Here is a rare video of the smaller Airwheel Q1 ridden in real life - no edits. In San Francisco with mounted camera. For those with fear of dual-tire EUs no need to look, er I mean don't panic I am impressed with this ride. You try riding a dual-tire in a real city
  9. Where's the thumbs up button for the studded Airwheel? I forgot I gotta try that mod.
  10. Hello @Tomek It's very interesting - so you received yours! It looks like you got yours early and my hope is that they may have made changes or fixed some issues by the time I get mine. I don't have it yet, and I want them to take their time if they are making it better. I'm not in a rush but I'll be happy when it arrives. I can let you know my impressions when I get it - who knows, when I get home it could already be there waiting! I'll try not to bang this one up - it could be my last 14-inch purchase. There was another - and that one arrived a few days ago now. It's different.
  11. @Villac Ah, I know that feeling. I had a wheel that (maybe) was the most comfortable I ever rode and it had rubber inserts on top of the pedals which I thought might have been the reason. This is my thinking when I pad the pedals in addition to just selecting shoes. At closer inspection the pedals on that wheel also had a little bit of give up and down, this is because it partially rests on a bit of ledge - I thought this could contributed to the comfort as well working like shock absorbers. Also it has high side ledges and I was resting the side of my knees on them which could have reduced pressure on the soles of my feet - not sure really if this was only because I was having a good day because that wheel is not working at this time. But it does make sense that if you are standing in place on a hard surface for an hour your feet could start to hurt and go numb - but if you were to stand on soft padding it could help - what about some really soft gel pads maybe? The risk with having too much padding is losing the feel of the wheel and thus having less control. But we could also start from a pile of too much padding and reducing to regain feel and control (in reverse of starting from no padding).
  12. They are not zip ties. I use two leather belts and I thread the pool noodles in the center. The belts are adjustable if needed (being belts) and I carved the sides of the noodles to make thinner and to also fit the contour of the shell/chassis. First I was trying to tape on padding but they would come off and also I found thicker is better - these are very thick compared to normal bumper padding. What it does for me is it gives good contact with the side of the legs which give a lot of feedback about what's going on and it makes it very stable to rider and easy to control. The padding is soft and thick, and they can be slipped on and off easily - they are not taped and not tied. It works perfect with the MTen design. I also packed it away in a box and can't find right now so I'm using funny things like a towel for padding. Always innovate. Hah ha, wait oh you meant on the footpads - the petals or pedals - yes I experimented with padding. The Gotway pedals have very high raised ridges and it is hard to adjust your feet on top of them, they are anti-slip - plus I was experimenting with cushioning. You can get used to anything - they are taped and zip-tied very simply. They add traction and padding for comfort - results may vary - if you try it you'll find them uncomfortably bulky at first - I think these have flattened out and I'm used to them now. I also tried the padding on another wheel with different results. if you use zip tie in this manner, after cutting them, I trim and round the cut tip because it can be sharp and they are exposed when you flip the pedals up and they'll snag on everything. What kind of repair did you need on Mten? I have another wheel that I want the motor repaired - seems impossible but I saw a guy open up a motor on video and repaired it - I was like whoah... (Notice I quoted the text and didn't quote the video - tip: just delete the video link if you don't want it repeated)
  13. From January 2015 This video is different from most. There is no editing. There is no music, just the sound of the gears. Just MTen all the time, no cuts. This version of Gotway MTen 10-inch is the geared version, no longer made. For the discerning wheel aficionado. Side pads are carved pool noodles and leather belts.
  14. Glad you got your money back. I am still waiting out my order/s. I am still hopeful - I think both are good but just taking a long time, it saps your will to live is what it does... and I knew better too.
  15. Wohoo! You are now the proud owner! Uh-oh, I just checked mine and it says "will update when shipment begins to travel" - and this is unchanged since a few days ago, and the arrival is supposed to be tomorrow - and yet is has not begin to travel yet. I broke my own rule which was not to count on an order until I actually see it. At this point I'm expecting that they are testing my wheel for known issues to make sure everything is perfect before sending to me - and also that they are making sure to add the free accessories in the package, etc. It is hard to believe that it will get here tomorrow though.
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