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Gasmantle last won the day on September 14 2019

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  • Location
    North Yorks, UK
  • EUC
    Kingsong 16x

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  1. Thanks all, I've downloaded EUC world and that seems better but the alarm setting page looks a bit confusing.
  2. Thanks all, I'll give EUC world a try. Will it be better to uninstall the Kingsong app? Does having 2 or more apps create problems?
  3. Can anyone please recommend a better app than the Kingsong, I've just bought a KS S16 pro and find their own app confusing and far too technical. All I really need is the ability to see the total mileage and speed and maybe the ability to set the alarm speeds. Many thanks
  4. OK many thanks, I'm out at the moment but will look properly when I get home. I'd prefer it to display in miles but even km with be better than nothing
  5. I've just bought a KS S16 pro and downloaded the app but I can't seem to see where it gives the total mileage that the wheel has travelled. Is there any way I can see that? Thanks
  6. Hi, I've just got my new KS16pro and downloaded the KS app but I can't seem to find where it shows the total distance my wheel has travelled. Is there anyway I can see that and is it possible to have the LCD display show MPH rather than km/ph? Many thanks.
  7. To be honest after seeing the way some guys ride around busy city streets I'd say calling them idiots is being generous - I'd say they are selfish arseholes.
  8. Has it never occurred to you that vehicle insurance covers more than just injury costs? We pay insurance to cover property / vehicle damage, loss of earnings due to injury, compensation claims, court costs etc.
  9. I regularly meet with my MP for a variety of reasons, quite often I've raised EUC legalisation with him but he's very evasive. Now with all the bad publicity surrounding Escooters I've given up the cause. It's a sad situation but I think that legalisation of EUC's in the UK will never happen and any further dialogue with my MP is likely to do more harm than good.
  10. We all would but the fact remains that you can't insure yourself against causing injury while carrying out an illegal act.
  11. You won't get anywhere with the insurance route until you get EUC's legalised. Lack of insurance on the 'test cases' is really an incidental result of the primary crime which is riding and illegal vehicle on a public highway - and that by definition precludes insurance
  12. Yes, and that means not racing through a major city at breakneck speeds oblivious of the danger to others.
  13. I largely agree with that, I can't speak for elsewhere but in the UK my understanding is the rental scheme was introduced as a temporary way of allowing a greater number of people to try the Escooters during the trial period. My guess is the trial is largely to gauge public opinion and to assess the risk. Clearly a rental only scheme isn't ideal as a long term solution but I do think it does have merits during the trial. Rental machines will be properly maintained, traceable, and have some blanket insurance. It does allow for greater rider participation than if the scheme weren't in operation. On the downside my guess is the trial has caused more negative publicity than positive and I remain convinced the EUC community will suffer as a result.
  14. The point you haven't grasped is that it is very likely that the people legislating for Escooters will very likely be the same people legislating for EUC's. I'm not saying the vehicles are the same or even that the same rules should apply to both but the important fact is there is a 'commonality' between the 2. Escooter accidents / fatalities are relevant to EUCs because the general public and those drafting the legislation applicable to EUC's will draw comparisons even despite the differences.
  15. You've kinda destroyed your own argument here. Cars and motorcycles are (largely) governed by the same rules and the legislation is likely to have been created by the same authority body. For the very same reason Escooters and EUCs are also likely to have rules created by the same authority. We all know that Escooters and EUCs are different vehicles in the way that cars and motorcycles are but they share essentially the same function and operating environment, the legislation applied to one will greatly influence any legislation applied to the other whether you like it or not.
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