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Hello guys,

I recently received my TG-F3, and so far I'm enjoying it a lot.

Since TG are very cheap EUC's, I think that many people decided to buy them and other will probably do it in the future.

For that reason I think it would be a good idea to create a brand-specific forum for Teamgee users, what do you think?


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Hello guys,

I recently received my TG-F3, and so far I'm enjoying it a lot.

Since TG are very cheap EUC's, I think that many people decided to buy them and other will probably do it in the future.

For that reason I think it would be a good idea to create a brand-specific forum for Teamgee users, what do you think?


When we see enough different TG users posting TG-specific posts on General we will create a brand-specific forum for it.  Not quite there yet but maybe soon. :)

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The topic -thingy could be used for text describing the contents of the post so not everyone has to read posts with topics 'My Turn!', 'Important notice', 'Here is my post, read it'.

Ah, the internet.  In a perfect world...........

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slvamsdévéasfév sdfv.défé éz  DS;D.FVMXCMKDKkdms.dg.kbk   sfdgjjs.dg.jbjs.

All that to say that we are on an International forum. Many members, like me, don't get the idioms, acronyms and other english language edges so easily. Please use a simple generic english language in order to make sure that everyone understand the posts.

Topic tigny, I don't get it.


With all respect !!!



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