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How can I know how many W have of my EUC?


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Hi again.

I didn't ride so long last 2 months. 

Yesterday I rode for about 1km with no problems with my new battery (arrived in september). It's not shunted.... but may be I will do it.

as I said, I was riding with no problems, but when I went  back home, riding up the hill (only 10 meters) it stopped again :(

the km I was riding was in flat terrain and I hadn't problems.

so... when I need extra power the EUC doesn't have it? less W in the engine?

how can I know if it has 350w? 150w?  it's a chinese clone (bad, I know) so I suppose it has the worse power capacity right?




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25 minutes ago, ogutierr said:

Hi again.

I didn't ride so long last 2 months. 

Yesterday I rode for about 1km with no problems with my new battery (arrived in september). It's not shunted.... but may be I will do it.

as I said, I was riding with no problems, but when I went  back home, riding up the hill (only 10 meters) it stopped again :(

the km I was riding was in flat terrain and I hadn't problems.

so... when I need extra power the EUC doesn't have it? less W in the engine?

how can I know if it has 350w? 150w?  it's a chinese clone (bad, I know) so I suppose it has the worse power capacity right?




WE do not know your wheel....there are so much Chinese clone wheels...and without proper discription nobody can tell you what Watt it has...

By the way: Watt(W) is for the Motor....Watthour(Wh) is for the battery!

I think you are talking about Batterie...nomally the cheapest clones have about 132wh-260wh Batterie...and a Motor power of 300-500Watt!

If you have Problems going up small hills...you could have a very small Batterie of 132wh or even less...These can not deliver the needed Amps to climb up a hill


AND: Shunting will not help you very far on a chinese clone with small Batterie!!! Perhaps you can do 1-2 km more,,,but thats it!


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Hi and thanks for the quick answer.

I'm talking about the engine. My wheel come with a bad battery. I bought a new 174wh one (but I thing it's really 132wh using charge doctor)

I ask about the power of the engine. Do you know if  i can open the wheel to see it? 

the wheel is in my avatar, but 90% of the clones are identical, right? :D


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1 hour ago, ogutierr said:

Hi and thanks for the quick answer.

I'm talking about the engine. My wheel come with a bad battery. I bought a new 174wh one (but I thing it's really 132wh using charge doctor)

I ask about the power of the engine. Do you know if  i can open the wheel to see it? 

the wheel is in my avatar, but 90% of the clones are identical, right? :D


Knowing the power of your motor won't help you any further - it does not have anything comparable to the actual wheels.

Most clones have less or up to the capabilities of the airwheel, which is already hopelesly underpowered (and from the "stoneage").

edit: take a look at the links posted in 

there are the max powers of most of the actual wheels shown, but also the airwheel x8 was tested....

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