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what does the new fimware do


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I wondered about some of the things. The app doesn't really explain much I watched the guy on speedyfeet on youtube he explained alot, I dont play with the speed setting because i want it to go fast, it;s to slow IMO,  I've put 52 kms on my NBOE+ so far I have averaged 13kms per charge< that doesnt' really change much at all but i live around a few hills and achieved a top speed of 23kms/h but maintain a solid 20.

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Popcorn - Yes, I had seen Speedyfeet's video.  Unfortunately that video did not answer any of my questions.

​I figured. I'll head out tomorrow and play with those lit settings and whatnot that ive been avoiding.

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The new framework offers speed setting for capped speed mode and it optimizes some riding setting to enhance the riding experience. Depending on from what framework that you were upgrading from, it offers switch for braking light on/off ... 

Majority of framework upgrades are for optimizing riding experience. Minority for more settings.

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