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Strange sounds on Msuper v2


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The Msuper is exactly 2 weeks old and has 250km by now. Today when driving a trail next to a river here (where i live it's pretty flat, hardly any steep slopes here), I started hearing those scratchy noises whenever changing speed.

I also have a feeling like Madden mode is softer now then it used to be. Can that be?

I made a video of the sounds. The first attempt of making a video ended with a lot of static noise. I turned off wifi and turned on flight mode on the phone and tried again. The second attempt to make the video worked, but strangely the noises are much louder now than they are in reality.


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Here is another clip of the problem. It is not the normal scratchy sound an electro motor makes. What I am concerned about is the noise that sounds a bit like something is breaking. Reminds a bit of a wooden roof that is working or wood that is close to breaking. There is nothing stuck in the wheel though.



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The noise only appears when accellerating or slowing down. It does not appear when turning the wheel with motor of or when sitting on the chassis instead of standing on the pedals. It sounds quite metallish. Maybe its an early stage of what Jane Mo Gotway postet about noise on msuper?

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