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Taken the ACM today for a tour


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I went out to france and started at Huningue close to Basel and drove the EuroVelo6 route to Mulhouse (around 31 km, plain route no real inclines). I had set tilt back speed at 21 km/h or so and was on 2/3 of the track constantly driving 20-25 km/h. I realised that I get in trouble with the battery level and slowed down below 12 km/h. It was to late and I had to push it for 2 km with the handle bar or so and was than able to reach the railway station Mulhouse with the last battery level.

I bought the ACM for my wife (which is much less in weight) and this one has only 680 Wh. I'm a heavy weight rider (100+ kg) so I don't blame anyone that I drain the battery so fast. But it shows also that the new motors are requesting more power.

In theory is it possible to change the side covers to the ones from the 1600/ 1640 Wh version and place additional batteries? Do I need to change the firmware?

This tour today had shown two things:

  • The ACM makes a lot of fun
  • When I change my MSuperV2 to a newer EUC it needs 1000+ Wh
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I believe I did see your video online

I do understand your weight and I am not far behind you but I am surprised that you had to slow down so much after riding so little distance on that particular wheel. Even having the smaller of the two batteries that is a bit unusual because somehow that is even less than I would expect you to get on a V8 which has even less battery capacity.

It is stories like these which make me realize that there is no reason for me to purchase what some consider a higher quality wheel.... the V8... because the range is going to be too little for someone of my weight. 

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to tell us about your experience and I'm sorry you had to walk the rest of the way to the train station.

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I had taken the ACM to give the tire the last shape to stop the temporarily grinding noise in the case. But still after 60 km it's not totally eliminated. If I had taken my MSuper V2 887 Wh I had seen no problem (I don't ride that fast on it, the battery is bigger).

But the firmware on the ACM could be tweaked to have even better behaviour handling (tilt forward a bit to much when slowing down a bit and two slightly chokes if slowing down from tilt back).

But it makes so much fun to ride the ACM. It's very agile and has so good riding quality on longer tours. It's between your legs and you like to dance on the wheel. It go around corners, takes curves with a smile. With the KS16 I wasn't comfortable to just drive it along the road. I always had to correct the pace. The ACM is a masterpiece.

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  • 7 months later...

Today I made the same trip with the MSuper V2. After the half of the trip I run into the problem hitting the 1st speed limit beeper (I set it to 21 k /h or do) some times - so in average faster than the trip with the ACM and ridden the whole trip. I reached Mulhouse railwaystation with 2 LEDs left. 

I was way faster on the first half with the ACM. The ACM is much more agil. After the half I had reduced speed In such a way that i was in the end as fast as normal walker and pushed it with the trolli for at least 2-3 km. In the end I arrived with the low battery beep warning.

The MSuper V2 was a 680 Wh and I upgraded it to 887 Wh with the 1RadWerkstatt upgrade battery last year. I had a heavy back pack with me today (water bottles, Notebook, iPad and some other stuff). As I lost LED 3 as I went into Mulhouse I wasn't sure if I could drive back to Basel again. It looks that the MSuperV2 is more efficient or the more Wh prevents the battery reducing as fast voltage. It's all about the discharging curve? Or has the ACM more power consumption? A real back to back test can only be made on a bench.

The trip is advertised with 34,5 km.

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On 10/8/2016 at 1:04 PM, OliverH said:

I went out to france and started at Huningue close to Basel and drove the EuroVelo6 route to Mulhouse (around 31 km, plain route no real inclines). I had set tilt back speed at 21 km/h or so and was on 2/3 of the track constantly driving 20-25 km/h. I realised that I get in trouble with the battery level and slowed down below 12 km/h. It was to late and I had to push it for 2 km with the handle bar or so and was than able to reach the railway station Mulhouse with the last battery level.

I bought the ACM for my wife (which is much less in weight) and this one has only 680 Wh. I'm a heavy weight rider (100+ kg) so I don't blame anyone that I drain the battery so fast. But it shows also that the new motors are requesting more power.

In theory is it possible to change the side covers to the ones from the 1600/ 1640 Wh version and place additional batteries? Do I need to change the firmware?

This tour today had shown two things:

  • The ACM makes a lot of fun
  • When I change my MSuperV2 to a newer EUC it needs 1000+ Wh

I think the new covers fit. Or you could reduce your weight for longer range and longer life. HAHA.

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5 hours ago, Carlos E Rodriguez said:

I think the new covers fit. Or you could reduce your weight for longer range and longer life. HAHA.

Yeah. I'm doing bio tuning. I reduced my weight by 3 kg in the last month with different food (not really doing a diet), still way to much.

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