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Critical Temperature


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I hear from time to time about overheating MOSFET logic circuitry when riding. I check my temperature before and after a ride but if the temperature spikes during a ride and has the potential to damage the circuitry i would like to know. Would love to see an app that addresses the issue.  What is the critical temperature that should be of concern?

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I am being reading VESC excellent firmware that is used by the community of electric skates, it is also OpenSource and you can find here the configurations about that values:


#define MCCONF_L_LIM_TEMP_FET_START 80.0 // MOSFET temperature where current limiting should begin
#define MCCONF_L_LIM_TEMP_FET_END 100.0 // MOSFET temperature where everything should be shut off

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The temperature in which a MOSFET is damaged will vary, but it is not just the MOSFETs there are other electric components that get damaged not only by heat but also by too much current which also generates heat which makes the control board less efficient causing more heat leading to its destruction.

Hills, heavy riders and hot weather are causes for the temperature to go up, hight temperatures combined with high current draw is mortal for a control board and dangerous for the rider., Under a very high load I damaged a control board with a temperature  little above 60c.

If you are light, and do not climb hills you have nothing to worry about.

Otherwise prepare to create a cooling fix or monitor the temperature.


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