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210V EUC in development


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51 minutes ago, Funky said:

Anyone who needs last mileage wheel also would want that. Imagine lightweight wheel that has amazing top speed or power... Wheels like V8/10, Teslas, KS14/16/18, with amazing top speed. 50-60kph for those size wheels would be awesome.


I would want a 1000Wh wheel that can go 60kph or faster... Just saying. (Everyone already knows..) 1000Wh - because that wheel will be lightweight.

My wheel has 1554Wh battery and i charge it only when battery drops down around 50%. Guess what - it happen EVERY second weekend. Yup.. I'm ridding my wheel daily and charge it only 2 times a month. dUCK YOU all who want big and even bigger capacity batteries. :D If i had 3600Wh wheel - i could ride a month without charging. :D Imagine 12 charges a year.. That's way to many.

I wish someone could make a 500-1000Wh wheel with amazing specs.. For 5-15km rides it would be perfect. Nothing wrong with 50-150km rides. I'm just not a fan of that. And i doubt there are many people who would want to commute 50-150km daily... Just saying. Most people live close to where they need to go..

I am on the same boat as you ;) 

Can't wait for such a wheel :efefa07c43:

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32 minutes ago, Sholphin02 said:

I am on the same boat as you ;) 

Can't wait for such a wheel :efefa07c43:

Sadly most forum users, countries where it's allowed to ride on streets would say otherwise. They don't want a bicycle level wheel - they want motorcycle.

Even 1P wheel could be made.. 2P, 210V at what speeds? 100+kph? If 1P battery configuration can safely go 50kph - that would be awesome and amazing. 2x less cells in battery packs.

What speed/power could be had from 1P setup anyways?  Roughly speaking.. (Anyone more knowledgeable about these things - speak up.) :) 

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if we assume that the voltage of a fully charged battery drops to 3.9V when under a 30A load we could extract more than 5.800 Watt from a 50s1p setup, at least with real high power cells.

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I don't think we will ever see a 1p EUC in the high performance category. For redundancy purposes, if a battery pack loses connection for even a moment, it will drop you immediately. 2p is likely the minimum we will ever see there.

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1P and high performance should not even be mention together - ever. It simply has not enough power, etc.. For regular wheels, not high performance wheels it would work i think?

What does 2P give over 1P? If we are talking about wheels like Falcon, etc..? Not Blitz, Sherman L, APEX-01, X-Way and some more. (Just asking a question here..)

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1 hour ago, Funky said:

1P and high performance should not even be mention together - ever. It simply has not enough power, etc.. For regular wheels, not high performance wheels it would work i think?

What does 2P give over 1P? If we are talking about wheels like Falcon, etc..? Not Blitz, Sherman L, APEX-01, X-Way and some more. (Just asking a question here..)

while a cutout on a falcon is likely to cause significantly less damage, the risk is still always there of a cutout if there is even the most brief disconnection between the motherboard and battery. If one battery (out of two) in a 2p configuration, you will definitely lose a lot of battery capacity and have huge voltage sag, but at least you can limp home or find a safe place to pull over and try to get a ride. Personally I advocate the never put any EUC in 1p, but at least we can agree that 2p ought to be the minimum for performance EUCs.

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On 10/2/2024 at 12:14 PM, WheelGoodTime said:

To be clear, it's not a rumor. I saw it myself. But anyway, about the x-way... 🙃

What did the battery casings look like? Size, footprint, shape?

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5 minutes ago, Suzuha said:

What did the battery casings look like? Size, footprint, shape?

It looks extremely like the blitz and x-way. Flat screen just like the X-way and ET Max (NOT a blitz handle-screen). Blitz-style round-beam headlight. Way shorter than the ET Max. Smaller battery boxes than the ET Max. Side coil. Falcon-style side-coil suspension.


I also have reason to believe that a 3600wh(or is it 3700? I'm bad at math...) 210v EX30 replacement is also on its way. Not "definitely confirmed" - THAT is placed solidly in the rumor department.

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1 hour ago, WheelGoodTime said:

while a cutout on a falcon is likely to cause significantly less damage, the risk is still always there of a cutout if there is even the most brief disconnection between the motherboard and battery. If one battery (out of two) in a 2p configuration, you will definitely lose a lot of battery capacity and have huge voltage sag, but at least you can limp home or find a safe place to pull over and try to get a ride. Personally I advocate the never put any EUC in 1p, but at least we can agree that 2p ought to be the minimum for performance EUCs.


On 10/3/2024 at 7:30 AM, Esash said:

Well I went euc camping a total of 3 times now, and got the backpack weight dialed in. Also I think my back strengthened up and got adapted to heavy weight.

I bought a bunch of cold weather camping gear so we'll see how that goes. Big worry is EUC battery power loss when it's cold overnight. I can combat this a little bit with some pocket warmers and maybe some kind of sleeping bag for my EUC, to trap the heat of the pocket warmer overnight.

I should be able to extend the camping season at least 1-2 months on each end of summer at least. pretty sweet.


I have searched way back in this thread. Trying to understand 1p, 2p, etc. Clearly it refers to batteries. Does anybody have a concise answer?

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1 hour ago, WheelGoodTime said:

I also have reason to believe that a 3600wh(or is it 3700?

It's 3700 Wh.

50 cells x 4.2 V = 210 V

50 cells x 3.7 V x 5 Ah x 4P = 3700 Wh.


The 210 V, 2P wheel is sounding more interesting with the inclusion of a non-linkage suspension. 

Well, at least from my biased viewpoint of a city roundabout. 

Edited by techyiam
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1 hour ago, WheelGoodTime said:

It looks extremely like the blitz and x-way. Flat screen just like the X-way and ET Max (NOT a blitz handle-screen). Blitz-style round-beam headlight. Way shorter than the ET Max. Smaller battery boxes than the ET Max. Side coil. Falcon-style side-coil suspension.

OMFG......it sounds like it could be my next wheel if light enough. 

In terms of weight, was it much lighter compared to the Blitz ?

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On 10/3/2024 at 3:41 AM, alcatraz said:

Higher voltage means more power, .....

No Higher voltage mean more charge between elecitric poles. Lets try analogy : It is like "pipe with high pressure" - fact there is High pressure in the tube doesn't mean, there is a lot of water flowing in it. Only big pipe with high water pressure means a lot of water. It is more than one dimension to think about, voltage itself doesn't do work. 

Power is voltage multiplied by current. Guys don't fall to voltage Hype ! Google what other give you like fact. 

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3 hours ago, daniel1234 said:

No Higher voltage mean more charge between elecitric poles. Lets try analogy : It is like "pipe with high pressure" - fact there is High pressure in the tube doesn't mean, there is a lot of water flowing in it. Only big pipe with high water pressure means a lot of water. It is more than one dimension to think about, voltage itself doesn't do work. 

Power is voltage multiplied by current. Guys don't fall to voltage Hype ! Google what other give you like fact. 

Ohm's Law succinctly describes the physics of the basics behavior of electricity.

For BLDC motors, there's an added phenomenon at play as the motor spins up, that of induced back emf.

This induced voltage directly opposes the applied voltage, resulting on a net voltage across the coils of the electromagnets (stator). 

Once the pwm duty cycle reaches 100%, the back emf matches the applied voltage supplied by the battery, and the motor would have reached its maximum speed. 

The design of the motor dictates the k/v specs of a motor. That is the rotational speed of a motor (rpm) per applied volt.

For motors with the same k/v specs, higher battery voltage can yield higher maximum motor speeds.

An example would the C38 motor used in the 100.8V RS19, versus the same C38 motor in the 134.4V Master.

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6 hours ago, techyiam said:

3700 Wh.


The 210 V, 2P wheel is sounding more interesting with the inclusion of a non-linkage suspension.

The 210v 2p wheel with molicel p45b / p50 batteries should of been the xway in my opinion. You want less weight when doing technical off road and a 30-33kg off road wheel with a high output battery would be amazing. 

Your body would be out of battery before the wheel anyway. 

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17 minutes ago, Eyss said:

The 210v 2p wheel with molicel p45b / p50 batteries should of been the xway in my opinion. You want less weight when doing technical off road and a 30-33kg off road wheel with a high output battery would be amazing. 

Your body would be out of battery before the wheel anyway. 

I don't do offroad, so I have don't really know much about the needs of the off-roaders.

If I were to speculate, I suppose the 1850 Wh of 210V, 2P wheel would satisfy the range needs of the technical riders, or jumpers? 


The X-Way does come in two flavors, 134.4V, 2368 Wh, and 168V, 2960 Wh.

Begode already has the Extreme. 

Not sure how the market is going to react with the 134.4V X-Way. I guess the weight saving measures in the X-Way may attract some riders. As would the all new suspension linkage design. 

The 168V X-Way may better serve the trail riders who are looking for more range and motor performance?


As for the 210V, 2P wheel, we will have to wait until it is announced to know what kind of wheel it is made for: i) racing, ii) technical offroad.

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5 hours ago, daniel1234 said:

No Higher voltage mean more charge between elecitric poles. Lets try analogy : It is like "pipe with high pressure" - fact there is High pressure in the tube doesn't mean, there is a lot of water flowing in it. Only big pipe with high water pressure means a lot of water. It is more than one dimension to think about, voltage itself doesn't do work. 

Power is voltage multiplied by current. Guys don't fall to voltage Hype ! Google what other give you like fact. 

Sure it's more power. The heat is generated by the current in the motor windings. If the current stays the same, running a 168v wheel's motor at 210v equals more power. 

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12 hours ago, WheelGoodTime said:

while a cutout on a falcon is likely to cause significantly less damage, the risk is still always there of a cutout if there is even the most brief disconnection between the motherboard and battery. If one battery (out of two) in a 2p configuration, you will definitely lose a lot of battery capacity and have huge voltage sag, but at least you can limp home or find a safe place to pull over and try to get a ride. Personally I advocate the never put any EUC in 1p, but at least we can agree that 2p ought to be the minimum for performance EUCs.

You where talking packs? I was talking about cells inside the packs. :D

I was thinking about 1P and 2P cell configuration in packs.. Having multiple packs, but in 1P configuration..  (like 20S1P, cells in a pack) You still would have 2 or 4 packs. Instead of 2P you would have 2x less cells overall. And 2P would be 2x20 cells per pack. (20S2P)

(Like my 18xl each battery pack is 3P.. 3x20 cells per pack. Together in parallel it's - 3x40. If i disconnect one battery it goes down to 3x20)

Wheel with two packs in 1P cell configuration per pack would make it 2P. Or if it had 4 smaller packs - 4P. (Each pack individual, not in parallel.)


Sure on high performance wheels this would not work.. But on regular wheels like Falcon (it has 4 packs) in 1P setup - it could work? (2 packs per side in parallel = 2P)


Wheel with one battery pack - No! No! :efee96588e:

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13 hours ago, Jmac said:

I have searched way back in this thread. Trying to understand 1p, 2p, etc. Clearly it refers to batteries. Does anybody have a concise answer?

Very concise answer just look at the pictures.  Otherwise slight explanation...

P means parallel, S means Series, the number corresponds to the amount in series or parallel. See below (I don't really understand why some say 1p as you need two as a minimum to enable one to be next to the other. ie parallel. Maybe its to clarify it represents everything is only in series-who knows)

image.png.5ee09a85e9d7c4b014b4648344715c4e.pngimage.png.e4495b3bdd6eea59b80b816bdaf3803a.png image.png.1bf25fcca0d61bc5a6f7f181d200205e.png

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