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Knee pain

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I find the best prevention is when my legs, feet, angles and knees feel stressed or tired or discomfort from short/long riding, do seat riding if you can! No need to overstrain your body parts. That's a good way to stay in the game for the long term!

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Huge update, I'm back from therapy. After what

On 8/15/2024 at 2:35 PM, Asphalt said:
  • Glucosamine chondroitin MSM, turmeric, collagen, fish oil

Said I went on a speed run for the supplements listed above and vomited after 2 days of taking them. I also picked up ashwagawnda.

     I did therapy for a couple of weeks and in the after math there is improvement in the knee muscles and mobility of the knee cap having done 5 min cycling, 3 sets of leg presses both one and two legged, wall sits, squats with eventually 10 pound kettle bell weights, windmills, steps up and downs, lateral step downs, stretches on the slam board, leg raises and side leg raises. 


     We spoke about how the pain I feel comes from my brain and not so much from my body as it's response to what's going and it trying to tell me something. They said the exercises will help the muscle to be better for movement but the cartilage will get worse. I should note that the arch in my left foot is deeper than my right which my have a part in my knee feeling the way it does. They told me movement is key to keeping it from getting worse or preserving what's left. They seem to want me to continue (riding the unicycle) where as my orthopedic doctor suggests I go back to school and retrain myself for an AI job.


On 8/19/2024 at 5:37 PM, Scubadragonsan said:

I find the best prevention is when my legs, feet, angles and knees feel stressed or tired or discomfort from short/long riding, do seat riding if you can! No need to overstrain your body parts. That's a good way to stay in the game for the long term!

     I rode my wheel more often than I thought I would taking it to therapy doing 4 miles to get there within 20 minutes and taking the longer way of 6 miles and 54 minutes on my V11 and then icing the leg for half an hour when getting home. I got back into seated riding and am getting better at it doing it part way. I just wouldn't be doing on the freeway or in crowded places nor would I stance change into it at mid ride (too much wobbling), just something I'd casually do. Last Sunday morning I rode it for an hour and a half doing 19.8 miles with a max speed of 32 MPH burning through 40% of the battery. I barely felt any soreness but not anything alarming. I was wearing warmer thicker pants that made the leatts pads tighter. I still iced the leg as with my other rides after coming home.

     Going back to my doctor we spoke about the improvements to the knee. So I asked "When do I get the MRI?" He tells me the MRI is done when surgery is necessary. He was gonna suggest more therapy. I did the therapy so that I could get the MRI in the first place to find out what's wrong, that was the whole point. I brought up diet and he said I'm a healthy guy and that there's no proof that the

On 8/15/2024 at 2:35 PM, Asphalt said:
  • Nutritional Supplements:
    Glucosamine chondroitin MSM, turmeric, collagen, fish oil

Mentioned will change anything. I came out of there more confused about whether or not I have arthritis.

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I thought I'd be getting a sherman this year but I'm not sure about standing for 100+ miles or sitting in a spider-man squat for that long. I was thinking if the torque of the wheel was stronger or the acceleration was higher it'd be easier on my legs to maneuver it.

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i was getting some knee pain riding my old tesla v2 for the past few years.  i purchased a lynx this year and the knee pain is no different than on the tesla.  BUT,... i can do seated riding on the lynx and that reduces my knee pain by alot.  if i feel abit of pain during standing,  i switch to seated and slow down considerably.  but the pain subsides when i ride seated.  now, im practicing laps at a local paved track, seated.  its abit difficult to do a few miles (which is several laps) but it benefits my street riding.

you mention about any benefits of the xtra power in a larger euc but IMO, its about the mass and the inertia of the euc itself that could be an advantage.  i find mounting the euc is alot more easier because the lynx seems to be less twitchy than my lighter tesla when beginning a ride.

regarding knees and pain,  i have also done abit of leg work with weights to strengthen my leg muscles.  and there is another thing that you can easily do, although it involves swallowing your pride abit - when you get abit fatigued,  stop your ride,  and rest abit by the side of the path, road, trail, etc,... this helps alot and does relax you quite abit and it also keeps your mind on track with managing your legs and maintaining their strength and endurance.

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12 hours ago, Knight Rider said:

Said I went on a speed run for the supplements listed above and vomited after 2 days of taking them. I also picked up ashwagawnda.

Sorry to hear about your reaction to the supplements. If you're still motivated to try them, it'd be worth trying to isolate the one that's causing the vomiting. I suspect it's the fish oil, but you won't know for sure unless you take them separately with enough time in between each one to separate their effects.

The fish oil and turmeric are intended as natural anti-inflammatories.
The glucosamine and collagen are intended to help maintain cartilage structure.

Any health information, especially from strangers on the Internet, but also doctors, should be evaluated from a personal perspective, since you're the one with the most accurate feedback on effectiveness.
It took me about a year to recover, adjusting one variable at a time until I found the right combination of nutrition, exercise, stretching and rest that worked for me.

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13 hours ago, bpong said:

i can do seated riding on the lynx and that reduces my knee pain by alot.  if i feel abit of pain during standing,  i switch to seated and slow down considerably.  but the pain subsides when i ride seated.  now, im practicing laps at a local paved track, seated.  its abit difficult to do a few miles (which is several laps) but it benefits my street riding.

Smart move! Standing for a long time inevitably will cause discomfort and eventually pain for the simple fact that gravity causes blood flow to be restricted being in one position. It's the body signaling us that position change is needed regardless of how big or strong we are. Riders should recognize this fact.

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I know I'll get pushback, but conventional medicine is mostly BS. Almost all joint issues are caused by obesity, inflammation, and poor diet. Glucosamine, MSM, or low-quality fish pills won't make any significant difference if you don't address the root causes. 

Spend some time checking out the growing community of biohackers and medical doctors in print, YT,  and podcasts, and educate yourself.

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1 hour ago, litewave said:

...,  Almost all joint issues are caused by obesity, inflammation, and poor diet. Glucosamine, MSM, or low-quality fish pills won't make any significant difference if you don't address the root causes. 

Spend some time checking out the growing community of biohackers and medical doctors in print, YT,  and podcasts, and educate yourself.

litewave is correct;  i agree totally about the cause being either carrying abit too much weight, or inflammation caused by too much meat, etc,....poor diet, ...  most medications and their associated ads make claims about the elimination of pain but they dont mention side effects, and they dont explain the actual causes of the joint pain.  pain medications only mask the pain, it doesnt address what is causing the pain.  in alot of ways, its better to learn how to live with the pain and try to make changes to your activity, diet and nutrition, physical conditioning and stretching etc,.... use solutions that you can control instead of relying on methods that simply mask the pain and not help your body deal with the pain.  knowledge is king when dealing with pain, and it will help you better determine what solution or solutions to use to live with and handle pain and the causes of the pain.

well said litewave !

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I think I cursed myself by commenting on this thread, cause look:


It actually looks way worse than it is. Right after it happened I started applying a Holy Basil Salve that I made and that practically healed it overnight. It's practically fully healed now, internally, it just looks real ugly.

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17 hours ago, on one said:

I think I cursed myself by commenting on this thread, cause look:


It actually looks way worse than it is. Right after it happened I started applying a Holy Basil Salve that I made and that practically healed it overnight. It's practically fully healed now, internally, it just looks real ugly.

Holy basil. Studies show that this herb, also known as tulsi, can be an effective liver protector, especially when paired with milk thistle. It has been shown to function as a stress reducer, antioxidant, and antianxiety supplement and appears to promote longevity as well. As a bonus, holy basil is known as both an antifertility agent in men and a libido enhancer, so this could be a fun herb for couples not ready to conceive. You can use holy basil as a garnish on your dishes, add it to your water, or use it to make a tea, to provide you with at least 1 gram daily. You can also purchase a powder or supplement form. I love the anti-inflammatory effects of holy basil, but I have some concern that anything that reduces fertility may be harmful to the rest of your cells, too. The health of your little swimmers (or your eggs) is a great sign of how healthy your overall system is. But I take it whenever I’m inflamed, because it works.

Asprey, Dave. Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker's Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want (pp. 88-89). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition. 

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@Knight Rider, I'm not sure about your stance, but  I made a salve very similar to this one pictured below, that when I apply it to my knee, I can't even feel my knee for like 45 minutes. I should take another picture of my knee to show you the dramatic rate of healing, I can if you want.



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Okay, here's a picture of my knee 4 days later than the last one, and I haven't even used the Holy Basil salve every day (notice that the bruising is already completely healed):


Who knows, maybe your knee can still heal even after all these years? I'd def give it a try at least.

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That's funny. EUC boo boo go away.. I would add, that since I'm over 50 now, I notice that my wounds take forever to heal and then when they do the skin stays rough and calloused, unless of course I use the Holy basil, then I heal super fast and the callous goes away leaving no scar, except of course the red mark that eventually goes away too, but that takes a few months to disappear. The Holy Basil, of course is a God send for healing, especially as we age, but I don't think I could possibly make enough money to make selling my own craft to make it worth the risk, though I want to help my community members heal as much as I can.

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I can totally see myself riding around in my 70's. Perfect ride for that age, although learning new would be great too because learning stretches your brain a bit to keep your brain forming new pathways to avoid senility.

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15 hours ago, mmk said:

Cautiously curious? Only been at it for a couple of months.

It's a fun way of working on reflexes, leg strength and balance. All three clearly improving.

No high speed expectations whatsoever, goes without saying. Adrenaline fix gets covered otherwise so no need to push it here.


I'm 72. Same riding preferences and observations of fitness. 2 arm injuries from being jettisoned forward upon hitting a shadowed ridglet. I'll take the blame: inattention as riding became intuitive and relaxing. Junes 2022 & 23. 

I'm on my second machine. Mostly neighborhood writing some trails.

I as well have another sport (paragliding) for adrenaline. What's yours?

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No effing shit !!!!!!!!     Paragliding of course !!!!!!!!     That's it, we're getting our own thread....

BGD Base2 S and SEA Runa here.......   finally I can throw out some shit others won't quite understand, as I have been subjected to from perusing the forum.


How 'bout :   The geezer ride and fly club


other suggestions?

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On 9/17/2024 at 6:24 PM, mmk said:

Topic started


I'm in California .. it seems across the USA telegram has I grip on the pg community.  Let's just run with this new topic here. Thanks

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On 8/18/2024 at 1:40 AM, on one said:

I'm not sure about that


Adult neurogenesis occurs primarily in the rostral cerebral subventricular zone, where the newly formed neurons primarily populate the olfactory bulb. The other site is the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, where they serve to replace dentate gyrus granule neurons. 

I've been turning it in my mind... Above is a quote from contemporary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology textbook. Just an easy piece of neuro knowledge: the nerons can grow in adults but just in two places - to renew the olfactory system (said to happen to women when pregnant) and in the said gyrus, thought to be related with memory.

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