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BEGODE T4 V4 CUT OFF nasty accident.


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Hi guys relatively new to unicycles. Been usin my begode T4 V4.. 2 nights ago for no reason i believe i think it was around 28-30mph if that it cut off completely landing me in hospital. Now im new to riding so by no means push this wheel, any ideas as to why this happened.. wheel is undamaged just scratched up. I remember lookin down and all lights went off then hit the road hard..


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Ouch, sounds nasty. What were you wearing in terms of armour ? And what about it failed to land you in hospital ?!

All the lights went off ?! As in the machine seemed to power down whilst traveling ? Was it still powered up after the crash ? If not, that's a very rare and worrying thing to have happened - in fact AFAIK there has only been a single case of that ever happening as far as I recall (Begode A2). But 30 mph IS quite fast to be doing on a T4, especially if the packs aren't full - you would be in danger-land if you kept going at those sorts of speeds under 50% or so.

We need a lot more info if we are to speculate on what happened here. Do you have logs of the ride, or do you know what power pack levels were doing shortly before the crash ? How heavy are you, with all your gear ? We also need to know the specific conditions at the time - how long had you been riding, were you accelerating at the time, were there any beeps from the wheel or app, were you going up hill, over what sort of terrain - the more of these sorts of things we know the more accurate our speculation can be...


Edited by Cerbera
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@Driver30  What was the battery level?, Air temperature? (weather), Wind speed and direction?, Your weight?,  Incline or decline you were on?, and type of road?...

Max speed on T4 is around 37Mph before cutting out but all the variables above can change this to much less.

I hope you are not too injured and make a swift recovery.

When you got up from the crash was the EUC turned off and unresponsive or still on and able to be ridden ok?

The lights all going out before the crash does sound concerning.

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Sorry to hear this happened to you.  I hope you recover fully. If you are still willing to get back on the saddle after this, make sure you have logging on ( I use EUC World but assume this can be done in Darknessbot as well) and, if possible, a video camera running during the ride.

Unfortunately, this is a reminder of the danger of riding on a single wheel platform.  Wheel malfunctions while riding don't often happen but when they do, the results can be catastrophic.  I had my own cutout experience a couple months ago and still cannot fully enjoy riding as before knowing that I could face plant any minute due to a wheel fault.



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Hey, sorry to hear about the nasty fall. 

16 hours ago, Driver30 said:

im new to riding so by no means push this wheel

Not trying to lecture you or say you did wrong, but you should not take EUC top speed marketed values and expect them to be safe speed margins. Especially Begode wheels. T4 is marketed as a 37mph wheel , but that is 'in ideal conditions'. Not a heavy rider, full battery, no headwind, easing in to it etc.. I'm around 90kg and my T4 is beeping at me at 28mph. That was with only one battery bar missing. In my eyes riding it around 30 mph is pretty much pushing it and it's possible not to hear the beeps depending on how much noise there is around and how closed your helmet is. 

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On 11/24/2023 at 2:11 PM, Drunkard said:

Not trying to lecture you or say you did wrong, but you should not take EUC top speed marketed values and expect them to be safe speed margins. 

Yeah people trust those things way too much. And "new to unicycles" and he was already doing 30mph?! I have 26.000 km on EUCs and I have never come anywhere close to that speed, nor do I ever intend to.

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On 11/30/2023 at 8:36 AM, mhpr262 said:

Yeah people trust those things way too much. And "new to unicycles" and he was already doing 30mph?! I have 26.000 km on EUCs and I have never come anywhere close to that speed, nor do I ever intend to.

Lol 30mph is nothing is nothing for new riders, I was doing that within a few days of learning on my 16x.

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30 minutes ago, Drunkard said:

and comments like that is why we have post like this :)

In all fairness 30mph isn't fast. Some people are heavy sure, but I have taken my Nik+ (essentially same powertrain as the T4) to 40+ on multiple occassions.

Difference is I have beep passthrough to my helmet intercom so I know where I am and I never torque the wheel at high speeds. People really need to see current demands whilst riding to get a feel for what actually causes cutouts.

If you slowly accelerate your current draw is nothing compared to a quick acceleration at the same speed. I think all this "X speed is a safe speed" makes people look at the wrong thing.

Also, there are so many people that do the whole "I never go above X speed, so neither should you". It's just dumb. Some of us on here are old people with brittle bones and a high fear of injury. Some others are doing jumps at 30+mph and snaking round rock gardens. Our risk tolerances are not the same nor should people treat their own risk tolerance as some arbitrary standard for what is no longer dumb. We are all on one wheel here.

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For sure i'm not arguing that 30mph is crazy fast and no one should ride it. Just because i'm more chill does not mean others should take my example. But i'm saying that T4 is not a wheel to set speed records on..

As you say you take it to higher speeds slowly and listening for beeps etc. Same with any top speed run the guys on the big wheels do. They have the phones out and are eyeing the PWM numbers not to get a cut-out. It is a skill to know your wheels limits and ride them. If he rode a ComanderMini and was going 30mph than sure - 30mph in't fast.

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