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What type tire pressure gauge?


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Hello all! Had my first couple of rides on my V8F and am looking forward to many more before passing the wheel down to my daughter. I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations on what sort of tire pressure gauge I should try to find? I wonder if my "garage gauge" isn't accurate enough?

I'm feeling a little oscillating wobble at low to moderate speeds and want to be sure it's my weak legs and not something mechanical like tire pressure. 

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FInd a cheap stick guage and use it. The exact number isnt as important as consistency. FInd your preferred pressure by feel and THEN check for the number. The psi you get on a shit guage won't be precise, but if you can set it to whatever bs claim it gives you, each time, there ya go. I have been using the same $4 gauge for about 5 yrs. I sometimes up my pressure by 3-5psi just to make sure I havent grown into wanting higher pressure for a more flickable ride. So far, 4 yrs and I am running the same pressure (18xl and mten) I decided on within the first 6 months...

I check my pressure before each ride by merely bouncing it on pavement. If i forget to do that, I check it about as soon as I hit the first crack in the street. For me, its only obvious when pressure gets low, by feel. I havent had any tires GAIN pressure while sitting, so that makes it easier. Fwiw, tires will lose air over time. The porosity of rubber is a real thing. I used to be able to tell you how long ago you had me adjust your tire pressure, by merely seeing how low it was and doing the math. Iirc, it was 1psi for every couple weeks(automobile tires anyhow). That was a long time ago, so maybe my math is off a bit now. Fwiw, I still have the same truck tire gauge I used in the shop for over 8 years. I dont use it on the euc (its values are a little high), but I use it on my vehicles. I think I spent about $6 on it, nearly 20 yrs ago. Yeah, i splurged and got the next step up from the worst. $6 gauge that lasted almost a decade with 6 days a week use in the shop, while being ran over, dropped and washed with my clothes regularly. I dont know if its accurate, but it damn sure is reliable.

If you just REALLY hate adjusting pressure every month or two, you can always use nitrogen.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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You can always do a free spin test to see if the tire isn't mounted "just so".

But it's probably your legs. Time on wheel will fix it. Try easing -gently- into the wobbly speed and recovering (ease off the gas gently, start a carve, make sure your feet are well planted on both pedals etc.). That will train and strengthen whatever needs work.

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Good things to know:

1. It doesn't matter which pressure gauge you use as long as you use the same one = consistent. People sharing their pressures online is going to come with tons of errors because all gauges are different. Some more than others = which is ok because air pressure is subjective. You just need consistency, not accuracy.

2. Different tires suit different riders. Some are ok at low pressures, some aren't. Generally: Light rider = thinner tire. Heavier rider = thicker tire.

3. Required pressure changes with the rider weight and desired comfort level.

4. If you're trying to put a kid/lighter rider on a thicker tire, no pressure will feel/handle right IMO. 

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32 minutes ago, Macboy said:

I may just make the ride to the auto parts shop the first “utility” ride of the V8 ;)

Yup, get out and smell the air, ride on down. If you get the cheapest, maybe buy 2. Dont use em both, just have one spare. I've had $3 gauges last a long time. Sometimes you have to tape the head back on em, but meh, who cares? I'd stay away from the dial gauges for mere portability reasons. If it has a battery, one really needs to ask the question: why? Being a nerd is making a comeback. You could always get a pocket protector and put the gauge in there.. Don't forget the fanny pack!:)

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Picked up two yesterday - on the EUC. It’s so amazing to know that yesterday I was hauled almost 20km without a single drop of fossil fuel being consumed. Of course the power probably came from coal somewhere somehow :facepalm:

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