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Forearm protection *roadrash pic*

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I had my first cutout this summer, which has me looking at more armor. Most arm protection I see is designed for motorcycle riders and only shields the outside of the forearms, not the part I scraped up. Is there anything that will cover this area? 

I had been considering the fox titan or similar but now I don't know. 


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I had an accident on a Onewheel in April and while my road rash isn't as large as yours, it's generally in the same area. To that end I've been looking for something that would cover that part of my arms and I narrowed it down to two:

- Alpinestars Bionic Elbow Protector (https://www.alpinestars.com/products/bionic-plus-elbow-protectors)

- EVS Option Elbow Pads (https://www.evs-sports.com/collections/knee-elbow-pads/products/option-elbow-pad)

I actually bought both and haven't regretted doing so. However, between the two, the Alpinestars elbow protector seems larger. It's also more flexible as it doesn't have a hard shell. 

I'll see if I can upload some photos later.

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Here's a photo of the Apinestars elbow protector. As you can see, it covers a significant portion of the forearm, all the way to the tricep area. Apparently the EVS elbow pads (and the knee/shin protectors) are in the wife's car and she's out and about; I'll take a photo of that as well when she gets home.



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Just use an MC jacket and be done with it. Built-in armour that wont move anywhere in a crash and full textile abrasion protection from neck to waist. Even the very breathable mesh types will give far more protection than individual elbow pads. Not forgetting MC jackets have shoulder and back protection too. I gave up on elbow pads/exoskeleton robocop jackets etc.

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