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S18 will not work after battery disconnect


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i have read everywhere, so I apologize if I missed the solution...

I changed the tube on my s18 so battery was disconnected for about 12 hrs. I put her together and pushed the on button. It beeped continuously with the headlight on. I use euc world and it was not showing to connect.

I launched the android kingsong app and unlocked it- the beeping stopped and I could connect to the s18. 
The app said the firmware upgrade is detected is not complete, please upgrade.

i tap continue to upgrade and get a message that says Current one is the latest version.

I connected with EUC World and there is a message at the bottom of the screen indicating the firmware is being upgraded. Nothing helps.

i conned with the iOS kingsong app, but it didn’t help.

i have about 800 miles on this wheel and i am at a loss for what else to try.

please help


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@Seba has a way to make EUC World fix a borked firmware upgrade... not at all sure why it would get to that just because you changed the tire though.

I use SoftTuner (on the iOS app store) and log in as "guest" and it allows me to up and downgrade firmware, you might give that a whirl.

I'd also double check that I got everything firmly reconnected and no wires got pinched when the shell went back on—because a tire change shouldn't have busted the firmware.

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Thx for replying. 
I tried softtuner. Wheel connected as KS-S18-1283, KS-S18- -V1.00

SoftTuner shows no info under device settings, and firmware upgrade crashes the program.

It’s pretty idiot proof to mate the two plug connections. It is possible the connection is causing the problem, but I think it is unlikely.


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Check the hall effect sensor cable, if it powers up and beeps repeatedly after disconnecting the motor like you've advised this connection is not solid.

This can be validated by checking what version of firmware is reported in EUC World/Kingsong/Softuner. If it's null the wheel hasn't booted properly into the firmware due to a hall effect error.

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6 minutes ago, Dsmoke said:

:o You guys are correct! A red wire on the underside of the small connector is broke!

Thank you, guys! 


Ouch, that's an unfortunate break but at least you know where the problem is. Good luck with fixing that, slack on the cables in that area can be hard to find.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a small jst connector kit and was able to successfully fix the problem. 

EUC World automatically updated the firmware upon start up!

Works like a charm.  

Thank you again taking the time to help!!! :)

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