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    Ninebot Mini Pro

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  1. Perhaps this info was already shared, but I didn't see it... The pinout is Pin 1 is DC+ and Pin 2 is DC- Other pins are not used. I was able to repair the broken female connector on my charger by cutting the broken one off, and replacing it with a new GX12 4P. It was $1.59 on Ebay and took about 2 weeks to arrive.
  2. I've got about 500 miles on my mini, and probably 200 on the upgraded firmware. It's really a gamechanger. That said, a stranger on a forum gave me a Solowheel Glide 3, and I just can't see myself spending much time on the Ninebot. It will be relegated to friends to use since it has a much lower learning curve. Spending $300 on the Ninebot was a stretch for me for a toy, not that I couldn't afford it, but because it's a toy. Convincing my wife to spend a grand on a Glide 3 would have been impossible.
  3. Alexander doesn't seem to visit this thread often. The link to his page is here; http://mrn76.ru/index.php/es/ninetool-es/nenetoolminipro-es The process is to reach out to him on Telegram; https://t.me/mrn762 Make a payment via Paypal Install NinetoolBeta Follow upgrade instructions and enter the SN he sends you I'm still enjoying the Extreme firmware and have put a couple hundred miles on. I've wrecked a couple times due to pushing the limits on downhills and stopping too quickly, so be careful.
  4. I don't know what you're finding hard to believe, because the section you quoted is in regards to steep descents. Have you ever gone down a >10% slope and pushed the regen capability? Others have reported the same behavior, so it's more likely you've just never pushed those limits. If you believe going down an extremely steep hill faster results in more stability, I would like to hear what grade of hill you descended, at what speed, and your weight. All of those are factors in pushing the limits of regen. Obviously a software hack only unlocks the potential of the hardware, as it has no ability to improve the hardware itself. That means it can only allow operation closer to the hardware limits. The implication is that there's more risk in operating closer to the limits of the hardware. I've found those limits by crashing at the same same spot once on the stock firmware, and twice on the hacked firmware. EDIT: I'm not convinced the deceleration wobble is entirely a hardware issue. It seems the wobble introduces a natural positive feedback response where weight gets shifted to one side, then the natural reaction is to over-correct to the other side, exacerbating the initial minor wobble. It could probably be handled better in software. That said, allowing stronger decel at faster speeds certainly increases the severity of the wobble and the resulting consequences. ... and it turns out the hill I descended with the sign that reads "Danger Hill" is a 13% grade. Probably rivals some SF streets.
  5. I don't have lite to compare to. My assumption is the increased regen capacity results in exacerbating the squirrely behavior. I crashed going down about a 10% grade on the stock firmware due to pushing the limits of regen. With the extreme upgrade, it got even more severe and I crashed in about the same spot at a faster speed. The thing is, it can entirely be avoided regardless of firmware by simply going slower when you're on something steep. After having put a lot of miles on the extreme firmware, I have noticed the squirrely behavior exhibits itself when pushing the limits of hill climbing, though it isn't as catastrophic (just back off a little and regain smooth control). It seems the extreme firmware allows the limits of hill climbing to exceed what is safe before pushing back. On flat cruising, the speed limit will be hit and light tilt-back will occur before any instability is encountered. Before the firmware update, I noticed push-back would occur after exceeding about 500 watts on a hill climb. On the extreme firmware, I have seen 1,200+ watts hill climbing with no push-back. Above that it gets a little shaky. In other words, the extreme firmware has more than doubled power for hill climbing, which was among the most disappointing thing about the stock firmware. I'm getting a lot more use out of the Segway after the Extreme upgrade. It made shuttling camping gear from the car to the campground quick and fun. I'm able to push a stroller or pull a trailer now. I can ascend hills that before I couldn't, and at a much faster speed. Almost no accidental triggering of push-back.
  6. I reached out to MRN76 today on Telegram and he helped me apply the Extreme hack. Went smoothly except for me forgetting to select my Ninebot from the menu and thinking the app wasn't working correctly. The increased speed is very cool and it's nice not getting such annoying beeping and pushback. Still haven't hit max speed yet, so don't know what the pushback will be like. Hill climbing is where the new firmware shines. Previously I could only hit about 500 watts power, which on some hills means you're barely moving. I think I observed 1200 watts on the Extreme firmware, which is more than double the power. A steep hill where previously I could barely go up, now is no problem. I still haven't hit max power yet, so I'm not sure where the limit is, and I'm not sure I want to find out either. One thing I just now observed (and probably not related to this hack) is that descending a steep hill on a full battery causes extreme pushback, likely because the battery is full and cannot accept all the regen power. Regarding instability when slowing; that was a problem with the original firmware. Just the other day I was descending a very steep hill, and the thing got very squirrely, moving side to side despite me not touching the center stalk. Finally it got so bad it bucked me off. I can only imagine this behavior is exacerbated by having a higher top speed. I've only gone 2 miles so far on the new firmware, so I'll report back again when I've got more experience.
  7. Well, replacing the cabin assembly (~$40) fixed my Segway. The headlight doesn't work, but it's probably a pinched or loose wire. Kinda pointless anyhow. Some of the mounts for the footpads are broken too, but enough are intact that it doesn't seem to be a problem.
  8. This is the board I need I think: Unit takes a charge and shows red light while charging, and green when completed. Will not respond pressing the power button and will not display battery level on the LCD. I believe the cabin took the direct hit.
  9. I sent my Mini Pro to a friend's beach house (I couldn't go) and some newbs jumped off while letting it sail into boulders. Their apology was to say that it should stop on it's own when they bail. I kinda agree, but it would take ages for it to be able to slow down. The weight of the stick portion just isn't enough to allow it to make rapid changes in speed without a rider. Anyhow, I think all I really need to get it going again is the upright portion where the display and switch is. What is that part called, and do you know what websites I might go to find it? It's not at my house at the moment so I can't grab a photo. I'm told it's accepting a charge at least.
  10. I'm thinking I will try to reverse the turning bar so I can drive backwards. If I understand correctly, there's no pushback when going up hills in reverse. Anyhow, the mod is reversible and free, so it would be a fun experiment.
  11. I'm going to have to experiment with backward travel. It is very unnatural steering as you have to lean to the outside of the turn. This topic reminds me of the backwards bicycle. You can train yourself to do something backwards, but it will be very unnatural at first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFzDaBzBlL0
  12. So what happens when you exceed the speed limit in reverse? Does it just fall on its face, or tilt forward? 16 MPH is even faster than the 13 in this hack. I'm assuming no warnings are given when going in reverse either? OK, I'll test the speed this afternoon in reverse. swapping inputs from the steering arm probably isn't too difficult. Probably easier than soldering 100 pins or whatever that chip has. EDIT: I loaned mine out to my dad for the weekend, so I'll have to test reverse another time.
  13. I like this discussion. We need someone with time and motivation to explore this concept more. I'll gladly experiment going in reverse as fast as I can and see if it leans forward, and report back here, or from the ER. Let the hacking begin!
  14. The latest official firmware has less leanback? I've been delaying installing it just in case it interferes with a possible hack in the future, which I'm willing to pay $20 for if it's a software hack. I was also concerned they might even apply more conservative riding limits. If the latest firmware has less aggressive leanback, then I might be willing to risk updating. I'd like to take my Segway off curbs, but I'm wondering if it's sturdy enough to do this regularly with a 200 lb rider without damaging it? My dad fell trying to go backwards. I told him he's guaranteed to fall going backwards, and then he took it as a challenge. The controls feel opposite of natural when in reverse. BTW- I read somewhere that the speed limit is 13 MPH in reverse, and that some people have swapped wires so they can ride it backwards naturally.
  15. There's no evidence of people being injured by leanback. Who here has had leanback throw them off and cause an injury significant enough to mention? If so-called dozens of people are fearful of leanback, then I'm happy to be the only one saying their fears are unfounded. We don't need to be hyperbolic when we describe something that annoys us. It's sufficient for someone to say they don't like leanback, but absurd to say the risk of injury is so great that it's imperative to eliminate the behavior. As far as I know, you're the only one with ankle pain caused by leanback. I'm sure there are others, but that would be a minority of people. I've had a couple doezen people ride mine, and none have complained of even discomfort. Finally, I've already addressed that you can largely avoid leanback by not triggering it in the first place. I've got over 100 miles on mine now, and rarely trigger leanback because I'm familiar with it. If it caused me enough pain to complain about it on a forum, I'd probably be even more likely to avoid triggering the behavior. Yeah, because a manual is how we really learn how to control things I read a manual on how to fly a helicopter, jumped right in and took off Very rarely does controlling a vehicle have to do with knowing the exact parameters of everything. Instead, we learn from experience over time. If you're being surprised by leanback, that simply tells me you haven't put enough time on the unit to become familiar with it. Finally, if you're relying on advertising to inform you of things, you're likely to be continuously disappointed with many things. It's fairly clear to me that children have more interest in this Segway than adults. In fact, I'm the only adult I've seen using it, and only the children are making comments that they "like my hoverboard". I'm sure the thing is a legit commuting device for people that live in Manhattan and would otherwise walk. I happen to use mine in a utilitarian way to run to various local stores or scout out neighborhoods in my search for purchasing a home, but I doubt that's a typical use case. I wish mine was much faster, but then there are EUCs that are, so there's no need.
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