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  1. bad, bad, bad... Forcing customers, what to use (the Apple way) is just BAD. So if I see it right, there is no way to downgrade Mini Pro Firmware anymore. At least not at the moment!
  2. There seem to be a new issue with the old 3.5.0 (or maybe any previous 4.0) Ninebot App: I can install the 3.5 (keep it on a save place....) but when it comes to Login, it won't connect to their server since a few days now! 4.x can connect, but not 3.5. I would need the 3.5 to Downgrade new Mini Pro's! Anybody matched the same issue? Does it still work with an old Android App?
  3. Thanks Alexander, issue is solved! Server is currently up again. I just downgraded another Ninebot Mini Pro to 1.1.7 today, 22.01.2017 with the help of Alexander's server. Used iOS App 3.5.0, changed DNS on the Router and in iPhone to, - toggled Airplane Mode a few times, until this website showed me "0140" (the "fake" 1.1.7 Firmware): http://apptest.ninebot.cn/appversion/appdownload/NinebotMini/version.json Thanks, you're da man!
  4. Regarding this Post: Alexander, could you start your Server with the 1.1.7 Firmware again, please? All current attempts shows me 1.3.1 So I guess your Server is offline with the downgrade option?
  5. Again: You can only downgrade to 1.1.7, if you are NOT on 1.3.1 Maybe someone talented guy, will find out the reason, why it's so. Is it really the entries in the version.json file, as I guess? The problem might be, that the Version Code from the current 1.3.1 is higher, than the one, you want to install! Currents: "CtrlVersionCode":["0131","50212"], So maybe this is what the errors cause, when you try to get down to 1.1.7? I acutally don't wanna bring any of my Mini's to 1.3.1 to test this. All my Ninebots are on 1.1.7.
  6. @bluto: You can only downgrade to 1.1.7, if you are not already on 1.3.1. So, it works, if you are on < 1.2.8! Nobody knows exactly the reason, why this is not working from 1.3.1 down to 1.1.7 I'm not 100% sure, but it might have to do something with the entries in the version.json file, which should also be on the fake-update server. Maybe Alexander should check this: {"NormalVersion": { "CtrlVersionCode":["0140","48152"], "BleVersionCode":["0104","25164"], "BmsVersionCode":["0113","13359"] }, "TestVersion": { "CtrlVersionCode":["0130","50500"], <<<<<<< maybe mistake here? Shouldn't it be: "CtrlVersionCode":["0140","50500"],? "BleVersionCode":["0104","25164"], "BmsVersionCode":["0113","13359"] }, "TestDevice": [{"serial":"N3MEA1501A0002","id":"0","name":"haley"}, {"serial":"11961/10037019","id":"0","name":"haley"}, {"serial":"N3MPG1616T0582","id":"0","name":"haley"}, {"serial":"11960/10116427","id":"0","name":"haley"}] } .... anyway - still wondering, why downgrade works with this "version.json" from 2.2.2 / 2.2.7 / 2.2.8 but not from 1.3.1!
  7. Well, funny to watch this... @ Vinny Varsalona Can you confirm, that you were on the current 1.3.1 Firmware, before you had successfully downgraded to 1.1.7? By now, people say, that Downgrade is only possible, if you are <= 1.2.8 I had sucess downgrading 3 Mini's from 1.2.8 and from 1.2.2. But I don't wanna try from 1.3.1, as I don't have a Mini Pro on this Firmware yet to test. @ Xelvic You still didn't mention, on which App Version you were trying to do the Downgrade.... ?
  8. Update News: Today I received the new Ninebot Mini Pro 320! It came with Firmware 1.2.2 on it. I tried to downgrade to 1.1.7 imediately. First attempt failed! Second try - the same (Alexander's) Server, same DNS, etc... success! Here is what I did: Donwgraded the App Version on my iPhone to Ninedroid 3.5.0 (yes, 3.5.0 not 3.5.1) Changed the DNS from my WLAN (Router) to:, Toggled Air Mode a few times. Opened Safari, and checked the site: http://apptest.ninebot.cn/appversion/appdownload/NinebotMini/version.json It returned me this: {"NormalVersion": { "CtrlVersionCode":["0140","48152"], "BleVersionCode":["0104","25164"], "BmsVersionCode":["0113","13359"] }, "TestVersion": { "CtrlVersionCode":["0130","50500"], "BleVersionCode":["0104","25164"], "BmsVersionCode":["0113","13359"] }, "TestDevice": [{"serial":"N3MEA1501A0002","id":"0","name":"haley"}, {"serial":"11961/10037019","id":"0","name":"haley"}, {"serial":"N3MPG1616T0582","id":"0","name":"haley"}, {"serial":"11960/10116427","id":"0","name":"haley"}] } (BTW: the serial from this response has nothing to do with the SN from my Ninebot!) Back to the 3.5.0 Ninedroid App: Even, if the Device was not activated, I could login with my Ninebot Account and connect to the Mini. I didn't want to activate, because this isn't mine! Firmware update 1.4.0 was detected (1.4.0 = 1.1.7 just renamed) and started the update! First attempt it failed at 2%. Then I thought.... shit! Tried again without closing the App. Right from that point on.... and .... tadaaa... Update succeded! Checked the Firmware, and it says now: 1.1.7 Today is July, 13th. - Thanks to Alexander's Server!
  9. Sure, that's possible - even if it makes absolutely no sense: 1.2.8 is much worse than 1.1.7! Rather go to 1.3.1 (current) But to your question: You need to setup your own DNS Server with the 1.2.8 Firmware, which you still can DL (by now) here: http://apptest.ninebot.cn/appversion/appdownload/NinebotMini/v1.2.8/Mini_Driver_V1.2.8.zip Then make sure, you use the App Version that fits perfectly to this old firmware, which is obviously App Version 3.6.1 or 3.6.0. Don't use the current App Version 3.6.2 - this might brick your Mini! Be aware!
  10. @ATH: I used also Alexander's DNS (, .... put that on my iPhone (WLAN Router), toggled Airmode a few times, restart until Safari shows me the "CtrlVersionCode" "0130" - Then you know, that the DNS redirection works! Put in Safari this URL http://apptest.ninebot.cn/appversion/appdownload/NinebotMini/version.json I downgraded from 1.2.8 to 1.1.7 last week. Not to compare!!!! The Mini runs mutch faster, and with no beeping! I didn not try the new 1.3.1 But next week, I will get some new minis to resell. I think, the customers will update to the latest. Then I can check, if the Downgrade still work or not. I can imagine, that Downgrade to 1.1.7 actually the "renamed" 1.3.0 would be more difficult, if you are on 1.3.1 (real 1.3.1) - So I guess this will not be shown as an "update". As Denniss mentioned before: It' always better, to make your own DNS server. then you can rename the 1.1.7 Firmware in whatever you want. - same procedure... There are a few Applications to make DNS Server on Mac OSX. But I didn't try them yet. If I will have a little time, I'll checkt that Software, and if I find one, I can reccomend, I'll let you Mac Guys know! In the meantime, I'm still looking for the Ninebot ONE 1.3.5 Orginal Fimrware! (Anyone?)
  11. First of all, let me thank Denniss and everybody involved, for the great tutorial, how to downgrade! I'm very glad, that I found this forum! I, for myself, I'm a "long-time" Mac User, and of course iPhone user. I did the downgrade on my Mini all on Mac and iPhone. Fortunately, I have an own HD with all "old" App Versions backed-up. So it was not a big deal, to put the old Ninebot 3.5.1 App back on my iTunes. For all the other, try this: If you have a TimeMachine Backup for your Mac (and therefore for your iTunes) go back about 2 - 3 month, and restore the App, which used to be in: Your User/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications/ (or simular path....) - This would be one opertunity to get the old App! The second opertunity is: DL the old App! Google this: "how to download old apps on iphone" - There are chances to do that! And the next question (to Denniss): Is the same prcedure possible for the Ninebot ONE E+ ??? Do you know, where to get the Original 1.3.5 Firmware from? A friend of mine called me today, and told me, he updated his ONE E+ to 1.4.0. And he noticed imediately, that the NB1 runs MUCH slower than before! - So this is a warning word to everybody with a Ninebot One E+! Do not upgrade 1.3.5 > 1.4.0 (unless you want to ride slower!) Have a nice evening, Walt
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