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Steeleyedblue last won the day on April 16

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    Ohio, USA
  • EUC

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  1. For sure and I just bought a yoga mat, some kettlebells and some free weights to start my own home gym. I fully expect to get back down to under 250 with the lifestyle changes I'm making. I can't wait till these vehicles become more and more mainstream. The tech behind them is also incredibly exciting
  2. I recently purchased a used v11 to use as a healthier way to commute to work. After just 2 days of practice I was able to start commuting to local locations and recently after just 2 weeks of daily riding I've successfully completed my first multi mile commute. Imagine my surprise though when I weighed myself and saw I had lost 20lbs and the only lifestyle difference in the past 2 weeks has been my daily rides. Im super excited to keep riding and already plan to upgrade to a heavier duty EUC next year. For context I'm 6'4" and was 315lbs and now im 295lbs. I had no idea i'd see results like this so quickly. If anyone here is on the fence on getting an EUC, get one, the health benefits are astounding and its an exhilarating way to get around town. If you're like me and live a sedentary lifestyle because of your work/industry (cybersecurity) then this is by far and away one of the easiest ways to incorporate some healthy and fun activity into your life.
  3. Can confirm I did not die and completed my first successful city "commute". Also stopping and stepping off safely is hard lmao.... Will be investing in a good pair of knee and elbow pads soon.
  4. I definitely understand what you mean lol, my legs are sore AF after just riding it for 2 consecutive days. I assume its because I'm using specific muscle groups in ways that my body isn't used to. Surprisingly what's sore the most is my core, which is good as that's where most of my weight is centered and the area I want to strengthen the most. In other news, nailed a job interview for a new job today, decided to reward myself with an afternoon ride around our block and ended up riding for 2 1/2 miles. Planning to ride a bout the same distance into the city tonight to meet up with some friends for bar trivia. Hopefully I dont fall into traffic and die but if I do then I guess I don't have to pay taxes anymore lmao.
  5. I think Im going to get some different pedals soon, and a wider set of powerpads. I feel Like I would be more comfortable and stable if I had something more substantial to rest my legs/shins against when riding. the ones on there now are good but I get the vibe that they are for a smaller, narrower rider. The pedals also are a bit uncomfortable, they're spiked which isn't too terrible but my feet are much too big for them (I wear size 14 1/2s american), also I'm not sure if this is normal but they don't fold out all the way and are instead somewhat canted upwards when fully deployed. This means my feel are always in a sort of "rolled" position. It does have the benefit of locking my knees into the EUC which makes me feel more stable but after 10 mins my legs and feet are so sore I feel Like I've been riding bulls again. I feel like this is going to be a really good healthy hobby for me as I work on losing weight and getting health back under control. I'm a cybersecurity analyst so I sit around and stare at computers and terminals all day and after I caught Covid last year I noticed huge amounts of rapid weight gain. I'll keep you all posted as I get better at riding! thanks for the support!
  6. Just went out for my second ever ride, spent about 15 mins getting a feel for how much "oomph" is needed by standing between two wooden poles and stabilizing myself and leaning forwards and backwards. Figured out a reliable trick for braking by bending my knees and "pushing" forward with my feet. It throws my center of balance backwards reliably. Also figured out how to self launch by taking that principle and applying it in the reverse. Still getting wobbles though when I accelerate, I was able to counteract that some by gripping with calves and squeezing, but there were a few times that the wheel just decided it wanted to go crazy and I had to stop and reset myself. Ended up doing a whole 1 mile loop without falling at a lower speed.
  7. I just got the wheel today! Its a v11, about 1k km on it. Took it out for about 45 mins, at first I really struggled to keep it stable because I wasnt trusting it to keep me upright but towards the end I was able to go about 700 ft before I lost my balance and fell cuz I was trying to turn. A few weeks of practice and I think Ill be able to commute to work on it!
  8. I actually already have a full faced motorcycle helmet, I'm gonna get leg armor and an armored jacket at some point too.
  9. I reached out to the seller, he said he could ship for a little extra so now I'm just waiting till I get paid on friday or when the refund from ebay hits. There is another one for sale on FB marketplace thats an hour away from me. I might pick it up if this one falls through.
  10. I can confirm the monster on ebay is the same monster I saw on FB marketplace
  11. Currently looking for a gently used v11 with street tires. Needs to have charger and obviously batteries need to be able to be fully charged. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it!
  12. Yeah for sure. I said verbatim that I am not comfortable with paying additional cash after a completed sale and that its very inappropriate to offload your "cost" or unforeseen expenses on a customer after the sale. Ill keep an eye on things for the next few days and re-evaluate after I get my money deposited back.
  13. Well I have disappointing news. I may have gotten scammed. Seller tried to gouge me for additional money after the sale.
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