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About Puzz

  • Birthday 06/29/1970

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    Begode Falcon, Inmotion V12, Kingsong 16S

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  1. I don't have a multimeter but thanks for the suggestion. Maybe a few more discharging/charging might juice everything up to where it should be...
  2. I'll definitely check the voltage next time right after charging and let it sit for an hour or so. I appreciate all of the help and info.
  3. And I really don't want to get rid of it.. I love it too much. Most fun I've had on an EUC yet. Such a comfy suspension and quick reflexes.. I rode the V12 again for the first time after getting the Falcon and I can easily say that I'm not impressed anymore with it... I almost lost it a few times with that damn train tracking tire.
  4. I can't. It's been too long.
  5. I charged it yesterday and forgot to look. I just checked now and it said 98.6. Guess that's alright. I also noticed when I rode it yesterday, the battery levels weren't dropping as fast as they were initially.. I was also staying around 20+ mph. I wasn't riding all that slow. I don't ride as often as I'd like, so maybe it just needed some battery depletion and charge up time..
  6. That to me seems like shady business practices.. Why lie about technical specs when everyone is going to find out about it anyway?? That just wants to make me steer clear of Begode products. If a company can't be trusted then what's going to make you feel safe riding on their wheels? My Kingsong 16S and the Inmotion V12 always fully charged to their given voltage.
  7. Thanks guys for all of your answers.. I liked the V12 better for not having to keep looking at the battery depletion bar.. I just love how the Falcon handles, suspension feels.. etc. No wobble issues. And this is with the stock pads.
  8. 18 miles certainly is a far cry from the supposed 40-45 mile range.. Oh well.. Guess I should've waited for more reviews to come out instead of just buying it blind...
  9. I'm about 175lbs. I'm in Florida. Trust me. It isn't cold....
  10. Is it just me but I don't think I'm getting much mileage out of my Falcon.. Batteries fully charged and I'll start riding down the road from my driveway and one bar on the display vanishes.. If I keep my speed at 20mph, then they continue to drop quite rapidly. If I take my Inmotion V12 out for a run, I can be out three or more hours riding it all over town and come back home with maybe 50% or slightly less of battery remaining. I've never drained the V12 but by the time I get home with the Falcon, I'm usually watching my speed to keep from this thing failing on me.. Is there something wrong with my Falcon?
  11. Thanks guys. I just took it out for a spin and when I went to check on the air pressure, I noticed on the tire sidewall that it did say "tubeless".. Good! No.... I don't want a tube. One of the main deciding factors of getting the Falcon was that it came with a tubeless tire. I hate tire tubes. Had a bad spill a couple of years ago on a new, at the time, mountain bike with fat tires. Going pretty fast on this, thank God, very smooth sidewalk when the front tire exploded like someone had shot the damn thing and I landed on my left hip and slid quite a ways.. Luckily, nothing broken. Just a few scrapes. So, no, I prefer NO tire tubes..
  12. Hey guys. Maybe a stupid question but are both tire options for the Falcon tubeless or is it just the street tire? Haven't found any info anywhere regarding the knobby tire. I own the Falcon with the knobby tire, which is a great tire IMO but would like to know if it is tubeless as well.
  13. Just my sweet, little Begode Falcon...
  14. It's not where you ride that's concerning to me at least.. It's more of the idiot's behind the wheel paying too much attention to their cell phones instead of the road that worries me. I see it all of the time while I'm on the sidewalk and see drivers going by, looking at their phones instead of the road.. It's not a few either.. It's a lot. That pretty much is what keeps me off of the roads unless it's absolutely necessary. Not here to judge other riders.. Just my two cents on the subject..
  15. I'd prefer waiting myself and let them iron out the bugs.. I'm not a fast rider by any means but certainly wouldn't want a cut out while going down the rode at about 30MPH.. Ouch!
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