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2disbetter last won the day on February 3 2023

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    Milky Way
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    Inmotion V12 HT, V13

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  1. No it sounds like it is coming from the bottom right side of the wheel. I think the suggestion that it is suspension gear makes a lot of sense. I need to try and tighten them or something.
  2. No it doesn't. It seems to make sound similar to video while riding only occasionally, and it is more when I am shifting weight on the wheel. Mini curving like motions for example, but it isn't consistent. Sometimes I hear it and sometimes I don't.
  3. Gotcha, and I know what you mean. Hard to describe. Hopefully this video minus the covered plumber's butt is enough. The creaking can be heard clearly at the very end of me setting the wheel back down. I should add that this creaking is new. I have setting this wheel down here for almost a year. No creaking before. v13 creak.webm
  4. I suppose I should just come out and ask some questions that some folks might actually know. Basically, if the motor bolts for the V13 are going bad, is there any kind of warning sign or symptom which you might be able to notice? Or do they simply fail and the wheel wrecks? Secondly, if you don't perform maintenance on your shocks could this lead to them failing or you breaking them?
  5. I always put my wheel on the front face of the wheel on the orange rails. Recently while setting it down after a ride, I hear creaking coming from the wheel as I laid it forward. Has anyone else hear a creaking like then when putting the wheel down? I'm wondering if this is a wheel bolt sign that they are stressed and should be replaced, or if this is just the suspension needing some adjustment again?
  6. I didn't know this was a thing. I have been of the mindset that an un-suspended EUC just has less moving parts and need for maintenance. The whole time I have been thinking that the dual hall sensors and raptor mainboard would be perfect in there. That seems to be exactly what the V12 pro is. Does anyone have one of these?
  7. Gentlemean, let's simmer down. I value both of your inputs. But this in ability to have a clear opinion on this is part of the main issue. I think Inmotion is doing a lot of things for the EUC market, but I think Leperkim is as well. I just wish there was more in the way of quality control on these wheels. I wish there was more material about how to check and inspect our wheels. I mean these things are so awesome, but I don't want to die on one. I hope so. I ordered a Sherman Max initially to my brother in Atlanta. Couldn't get it shipped to me, so it is still there. So I will see first hand there about this. I hope that I can try a Lynx though. I do not like the V14 because I think it looks stupid. The V13 combined with a Lynx would be the pinnacle of utilitarian practical design.
  8. Things like the motorbolts, are an issue of the bolts used, not a failure of engineering. I agree that it is troubling. But sense Leperkim is not free of issues either, I think the issue of the bolts is not something that normally would have an issue with. I got the new bolts, but I still haven't replaced them, and I have no indication that it is even a problem. Still not saying it is ok. With the cost of these wheels, things like this should not be possible. I'm going to be visiting family in Atlanta soon, and maybe I'll be able to hook up with someone running a Lynx. I am really thinking about pulling the trigger on that. I just feel like Inmotion is far more polished.
  9. Solid question. While the V12HT just died on me in mid ride, there were signs that I ignored. I left the wheel on leaning up against a wall for about 6 hours on accident. When I came back to it, the thing was CRAZY hot. Afterwards the balancing of the wheel back and forth was off and funky. I ignored all this because I just really liked the wheel. I've learned my lesson. On the flipside, the V13 I don't think could do that. But I don't see any other EUC company talking so much about safety. And honestly while Veteran makes good EUCs, they have almost no company presence. I don't think I wheel that can hurl me 70mph down the street can feel like a no name company without a support infrastructure. Inmotion is the closest I have seen to a company trying to behave the way a company making products like this should. Maybe it is all for show, but I just feel like, these companies need to get up to the same levels as car companies. The heavier the wheel the more stable it is, but on the flipside the more in motion in the event of crash that is deadly. So a heavy suspended EUC is the safest but not without consequences. Does anyone think I am wrong about the V13? Does Leperkim do it better? Why do you think so?
  10. The more I use an EUC, the more I think the primary focus of these machines should be safety. We need every assurance that these things will not fail while in use. After breaking my shoulder on a V12HT this point was driven home to me. My answer to this question is the Inmotion V13. However, one area where I feel this is not true is the suspension and the need to perform maintenance on it. The Inmotion V13 is the wheel I feel safest on. But I can't help but thing that no suspension means the wheel will be more durable. Honestly though, what wheel do you feel you are the safest from having a problem other than your own fault on?
  11. So much more expensive in Europe. The V11y without the orange stripe down the middle looks pretty compelling. Maybe everything I wanted the V12 HT to be.
  12. It would seem that the V13 is an outlier here. I mean has the V13 had any serious issues? If Leaperkim is really that solid, I am really leaning towards a Lynx. To me, reliability is number one. You have only thing between you and wrecking, and that is the wheel. Which ever EUC takes that the most seriously should get the money.
  13. @novazeus so you are loving the Lynx more than your V13? I have been eyeballing the Lynx for a while. I thought I read somewhere that you said the V13 is your best wheel? Has the Lynx changed this?
  14. Honestly a V12 pro that would see it getting the raptor controller that the V13 has, a redundant hall sensor, and thicker gauge wiring would be an amazing upgrade! Before I broke my shoulder on a V12 HT that died on me out of no where, I was getting ready to sell my V13 and just keep the V12HT because I thought it was such a solid wheel. Even today the practicality of the V12 is really hard to beat. Improvements to it would be a winning formula. On the other hand there is something to large wheels with suspension that is also excellent. You just have ride confidence. It can just absorb whatever you roll over. For a V13 pro I would say an upgrade suspension and perhaps more battery would be the only improvements I could see. The V13 is still the Inmotion flagship and for good reason.
  15. I guess I am part of the crowd that doesn't see the appeal to the V14, but I would say this goes also for most new wheels. I have yet to find a wheel that makes me feel like I need to buy it since I already have the V13. The V13 isn't perfect, but because it is over-engineered in the places that matter, I just feel safe riding the thing. I'm not worried about a cutout, or some other technical failure. No other wheel coming out has put such focus on those kinds of safety features. It would be good if EUC companies would iterate on designs instead of always starting over and coming out with something totally new. That said that V14 is impressive.
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