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    Washington DC
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    Nikola 100V Molicel

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  1. Mornings are worse indeed. They make me feel like an invalid lol
  2. You're right healing is very slow. Rather amazingly, after a botched first surgery. The second has posterior angulation. Just botched in a slightly better way. But my leg literally can't handle another surgery of rod drilling etc
  3. I can relate. In June I was riding 4mph and have no idea what happened. Last I recall was waiting at the light. Woke up at the entrance to an intersection, wheel 15 feet behind and right with no damage. It's been a long recovery, 2 surgeries etc
  4. For an update. 1. I can still recall nothing. 2. Sadly my surgery was botched. 3. This September I had it redone: both bones rebroken, new nail, new additional screws etc. 4. Currently in cam boot and walker. I'm amazed when I hear of 40mph crashes and broken toes, I suppose sometimes the rare things must happen so they aren't impossible. 🤷‍♂️
  5. As you may know, in June I suffered a fall which I don't recall. Protective gear to the max while crossing at a crosswalk. 1. Tibia full displaced complex fracture 2. Fibula full displaced complex fracture I have had two surgeries, IM nail in tibia with 6 screws. I do recall my phone did not have darkness bot or Begode app on for that ride. Is there any way to try to extract data? I recall waiting 15 ft back from crosswalk and woke up face down in street. Also if you know anyone who had a similar intensive injury and rode again, or was unable, this would be helpful. I miss the on thing that got me excited about every day.
  6. Helmet: Demon full face MIPS. This is exactly what I was thinking, however the wheel had zero scratches, only other mark I had was abbrasion on top of left ankle. What's crazy is the last thing I recall was being stopped 10ft before the cross. Don't even recall riding up to Street
  7. Yeah so in image blue circle I drew was wheel location. Red rectangle my location. Red arrows my course, yellow arrow cars course.
  8. So CT didn't indicate but I'm allergic to contrast die so they couldn't get clear imaging. Definitely my emotional oscillations could indicate a mild tbi -- random crying etc. Had some intense irritability. Both of which are calming down. Just easily triggered by things. Appointment with Neuro coming up. All I know is I have to ride again unless I have a brain issue that caused me to pass out while riding. This is likely a red herring but 6 months ago I slipped on a satin cat toy (tube). Legs went right, torso left and hit side of sofa. Broke 2 ribs. dex scan upcoming just in case
  9. the break was backwards as though impact from front -- imagine an imaginary metal rod 1ft off the ground and running straight into it. That's basically the effect and would cause the same position. However I was turned 90deg right on ground. If you were looking at my lower leg from the side it made a triangle backwards
  10. Yeah it's been really hard. Riding really did change my life: I struggled with fatigue and social anxiety and over time built confidence, meet people through a huge 200+ euc group here, group rides, less introverted, getting out of the house etc. Transitioning from that to my current state has been emotional to say the least 1. Yes to power pads but nothing that should lock me too much 2. The wheel came with larger spiked pedals 3. I am unsure re powered state. I know it powers on just fine.
  11. Yeah issue is that any car would have been coming from left if I didn't see and injury was on my right (otherwise I'd have been further into intersection, was basically in gutter) In theory, the only thing I could see is some freak thing where my leg is braced against something then hit from behind --but then you'd think the back of my leg would have bruises etc.
  12. Photos Link Thanks for everyone's help. So red is the course taken, red square my location after accident. Blue is wheel location and yellow is car path. You're welcome to explore more by looking at Google maps (15th and Euclid in DC.) Was on east side of 15 northbound crossing Euclid. While car was my first thought, there is no damage to wheel and car would have been likely coming from my left (though right leg injured) Link has full set of annotated images I only have x-ray post-setting but you'll get the idea. Will reply with that
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