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    v10f, s18 molicel, v11, v13, mten4 40T

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  1. Yeah it's interesting how many variables come into play. 25-30mph falling off your wheel and have room to slide and gear to prevent getting road rash? You'll probably be fine as the energy will be dissipated by the slide. 25-30mph into the side of a car? may as well be like hitting a brick wall, this is like falling from a substantial height; not good as the energy is dissipated into your body all at once. It is impressive how well the v13 itself seems to hold up; I don't think I've seen any reports of someone crashing one and having the wheel come out non-functional, or anything beyond some scuffs or scrapes in the orange bars or plastic sides.
  2. I wonder if this initial poor torque everyone is talking about is not what it seems; I think there is a good chance it is fully a software thing. I keep my v13 in a motorcycle tire chock stand, where to get it out I have to turn on the wheel and roll it back over the levered tire holder that is keeping it in place. I noticed that when I first turn on the v13, it starts balancing immediately. However, the first time I pull on the handle and try to pull it out of the tire chock the wheel will dip down as if it's going to fall forward. I then let up for a second, let it recover itself, and then the next time I pull on the wheel it works properly and stays upright and lets the chock lever move. Maybe the phenomenon I am talking about is different, but I can't help but feel it is related.
  3. I like the idea of the speakers on the wheel more for the potential ability to have different (and hopefully louder) alarm sounds; the piezo buzzer on the S18 was definitely not ideal as it is VERY difficult to hear at any sort of speed where it starts to become important
  4. Yes, although it is such a large surface area I don't know if the little plungers will be enough (they do not have much material in them) For not much more you can buy a little tub of thermal paste; I would look into getting one of those in case you need more
  5. That's interesting. Everyone else says its weight is really nicely distributed, specially compared to something like a Master, which really is very top-heavy. I'm still getting used to mine (going to take a while as it is a completely different class of wheel compared to my others) but I think I can comment on this. It is not specifically what I would refer to as top-heavy in a general sense, however if you stop moving (or slow down to walking pace) it can get very heavy if it leans to one side which kinda FEELS like top-heaviness. When you are moving at any sort of reasonable speed this is not a concern and the gyroscopic effect keeps it balanced. (This in fact is one of the weirdest things to me as I started to get used to the wheel, with my smaller wheels I feel like I am doing more to bully them into position when needed, but this one it feels more like the wheel balances itself and I just give it suggestions) The weight is incredibly well distributed, though, it's just that there is so much of it to distribute that it can be harder to handle particularly when stopped or very slow.
  6. I'm not sure if you can find it at auto stores, but I know PC-type stores would have it. (Microcenter if you have one near you, best buy might, certainly Amazon has it) I don't think you need to be too picky on brand (PC enthusiasts will often swear by one or the other, but for something like this especially with that sheer amount involved I would probably go by the less expensive option)
  7. This is generally not true with modern processors, though it is still a really bad idea to not have proper transfer. It may or may not be fine, and the existing leftover paste may or may not be enough. It takes time for the mosfets to heat, and one can monitor in the app to make sure the board isn't getting too hot. (FWIW modern processors will generally downclock substantially but still work to some extent, but yes not something I would do and it can lead to damage)
  8. Make sure to monitor your board temps for a while to make sure the heat is dissipating correctly
  9. That might be thermal paste for heat transfer. Important to check that before you install new one, as you can't just plonk the new on down on top of it - you need a new layer of thermal paste ! That absolutely looks like thermal paste to me
  10. One of the better reviews I've seen (use the subtitle option to translate to English if you don't speak Spanish) A few minor nits, like how he mentions a fingerprint sensor (that does not actually exist) But some of the stuff he does and talks about in here is very well done. They even do some pretty intense jumps to put the suspension through the pace, and come to the following conclusion: (Most of the other reviewers I've seen wrote the suspension off as if it was identical to the v11)
  11. So this is fun. The same wheel that had been with ThaBlackCobra earlier where it was found that the shocks were removed and forced back in with cross-threading is now with another reviewer, who promptly had the shock fall out. Of course this is no fault of the wheel, but if you just watch this video you would have a very bad impression: For context here's the video from ThaBlackCobra where the suspension is being removed and the cross-threading is mentioned; I forget who had the wheel before him which is where the issue likely began.
  12. That does not seem right unless you are doing VERY steep drops. Any chance you have one or more pistons that is losing air, such as due to this issue?
  13. Turns out that is basically the case. He responded in the youtube comments with the following: I found several listings at around $25, here is one example: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804718301934.html I'm placing an order, as I recently got shipping notice on my v13 which should arrive early this coming week.
  14. Anyone know what these bumpers are in this video visible at around 2:30 and again at 39:40 where he sets the wheel down on them? I really like this design, looks like they even color-match the wheel. I would love to purchase a set!
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