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  1. THA


    I've Lhotz w/340 wh and with full battery, power on, lifted up from the ground the app showed somewhere around 42-43 km/h just before cut off (shuts down). In summer conditions I run 28 km 22km/h average. After about 22 km I had to slow down to steeper uphills, 15 km/h or so. I was able to speed up (I really had to try hard due to the huge tilt back) to a downhill up to 32 km/h according to GPS, didn't have the app on. But I think You'll get about same results with zero, if You're about same size, I'm only less than 60 kg (130 lbs).
  2. Jees, Tampereen kupeessa asustelen ja Tampereella Herwoodissa jätän auton 0.8-1.3 km päähän TTY:stä, siitä sitten IPS Lhotzilla yliopistolle. Samainen EUC palvelee koiran lenkityksessä ja nippa nappa pärjää göötti-nartun maksimille eli yhtä soittoa piippausta tulee kun dogi painaa 27 km/h GPS:ään. Talvella koklasin kiitos mm. EUC Extreme jopa planeettavaihteistoa ja 9bot, tän foorumin kommenttien pohjalta 340 Wh Lhotzin electrosport.de:stä hommasin eikä ole tarvinnut katua. Tyttärelle tuli se teknikmagasinetin rebrändäämä IPS Zero ja sitä tekisi mieli enempi kanniskella, mutta Lhotz on todella ROCK myös poluosuuksilla hurtan kanssa, hauskaa! Siihen mahtuu nastatkin ilman mitään ongelmia, toisin kuin geneeriseen jolla talven aloitin. Lhotzilla meni yli -30C keleissä 1.2 km työmatka talvella Itä-Suomessa neljään kertaan, ongelma oli menomatkan sikajyrkkä ylämäki lopussa. Lämmittyään järkytyksestä paluu meni ok, mutten tahtonut pöpperölumeen puolitehoilla painaa enää kolmatta päivää. Geneerisellä 174 Wh pääsi töihin, ei enää takaisin kunnolla, kun -15C mittarissa - jolloin Lhotzilla pääsi hyvin jo 15km (jaappanilaiset kennot akussa). Nyt kesällä päässyt 28 km yli 20 km/h keskarilla ja 32 km kun käyttö oli vain koiran kanssa. Mettäpolkuja tullut ajeltua myös. Laitetta purkanut muutamaan kertaan, ei kuraa koteloiden välissä, pilkkuja merkkinä pisaroista kyllä. Elektroniikka on onneksi erikseen koteloitu. Yliopistolla ajelen luentosaleihin ym. isommat käytävät, labroissa kannan. Raksan puolelle joku opiskelija kulkee geneerisellä, en ole tavannut. Muita en ole nähnyt. Todella kiva olisi joskus kokoontua ja pidemmältäkin porukkaa nähdä, aika outoja ovat täällä päin ainakin. Kun oppilaita tapaa, niin tytöt katsovat koiraa, pojat vain EUCoa. Ja kysymyksiä piisaa. Olenko muka ainoa???
  3. THA


    Yeah, Airwheels rev up as generic, so quick, and then cut off. Lhotz has obviously restricted acceleration loaded or not, so there is something like 2 seconds to get back to ground before it reaches it's max revs (which becomes from voltage, subracted by factors from resistance/number of pairs/armature current) which means that controller restricts to armature current max. gradient. So if Your speed is 50% of max. when airborne, You'll probably have something like 1s flight time and exceeding that ends up to cut off. But I think less power is safer, since near the limit there is quite a lot angular momentum to settle when landing.
  4. THA


    @trya have You ever tried how Your wheel responses airborne? My generic reved up immediately and I always felt down it I jumped over curb too high. RW GR16 was just crazy, but my current wheel behaves so well I could even try some small jumps on mini MX track.
  5. THA


    @trya You make me cry after my past generic! How easy You make it look like
  6. THA


    Please @Stefan(0), don't use google translate to quote, can't understand what You quoted! You can buy the tire from @EUC Extreme (former Vee73) and italian Best Grip BG1000 studs from various webstores over EU or perhaps cheapest solution is to ask Vee to buy the studs for You here and send todether with the tire to You.
  7. @SlowMo - those FOX pads really sticks on, (Y) for those!
  8. THA


    Thanks again @Stefan(0), @EUC Extreme-made knobbed tire fits just fine (OD=53mm) if studds to the stock one isn't enough!
  9. Any rollerblade or skate gear works fine if it fits to You fine - just make sure that elbow and knee pads won't rotate over Your limb asa they touch to ground. In offroad use I suggest MX gear - hardcore to extreme , mini-MX boots are angle-length and more flexible (Vee73 aka EUC extreme uses double pivoted Sidi boots but I can't, no feel through Your feet).
  10. THA


    Thanks @Stefan(0) - seems that IPS uses thick tread and studds will fit to stock tire in Zero too! But can You (or someone) measure the actual width of the stock tire?
  11. THA


    Hello Zero owners! Seems that IPS Zero would be the best choice for my daugthers next EUC. It has good range, 20km/h long term possible, lightweight. And I'm also impressed about IPS quality / Lhotz model. But... since Zero casing pearches so low, significantly below axle hight, there will be no change to lift the casing in order to free up some extra space for the tire. Either for studs to stock tire, or for Vee73-made thicker knobbed tire. Can't really use Zero if this mod isn't plausible. Thus I need info about stock tire and case, if anyone could please make some measurement: - how wide the stock tire actually is? - how thick is the tread? - how much space it has between casing and tire? Thanks allready
  12. THA


    @Tyred, thanks. Yes I have, on the generic one a was already able to ride backwards something around 5m but pedals were very stiff, a lot like Rockwheel. With Flexible pedals I managed to get 1m with 9b1 time to time, as well as Lhotz. Straith is actually easier, as soon as I got started just step on it, slow speed is hard. As with MC's I tried a few times before, once or twice each, after 20-30 minutes of continuous training these shots were taken. But keep in mind, even though I'm not any circus performer, I'm only 1,5m short (5ft) and I drive enduro - so my balance in relatively good since I can't place my feet anywhere else than footpegs for most of the time. This is the kind of sport that is way more easier for anyone who has any balance-required hobbies background. Just remember, human center of mass lies around hips, keep than in mind whenever You train Your balance. Just move your hips slightly from side to side, rather no movement on Your hands. I know... just don't know why, I keep raising my arms whenever extra focus needed, probably totally useless, just a mental issue
  13. THA


    Today I decided to learn how to change direction and reverse - this has been challenging with flexible feel pedals, not quite there yet but getting closer... some minor detail to figure out I think. Concrete felt so bad with studs that didn't try stairs, got could feet since didn't have helmet. Had studs on my sneakers too. Some bumpy "offroading" was a lot of fun, as well as one older lady commenting "it's easy" - "welcome to try" she refused Winter balance training with Lhotz
  14. @Cloud, I've decided to at least try to get used to those beeps before closer study if there excists any easy way to adjust that starting speed. Simply because pedestrians notice me better. Even though GR16 wasn't normally loud enough (gear noise), a little noise is actually advantage and with You KS. In Lhotz beeps are not so annoying: everyone in Your surroundings hear the beeps better than You since the small speaker is placed low and points sideways. Thus I didn't hear any beeps in cold (3-fold clothing over head) and didn't even realize how fast I was cruising. But lets continue this somewhere else...:)
  15. @Cloud,for one extra pack, not 2, so You can add 170Wh on the control side if You rip it to 3 pieces. I'm sorry, didn't notice to take pics when open. And didn't check connectors (doesn't really matter, You can change them what ever You prefer). Some mild tilt back appears already earlier, but - at least I can't - really cruise above app. 27km/h. Only got 30.x km/h on downhill. Anyway I agree with @Paddylaz, this is fantastic compared to 9b1 and as just my opinion, every aspect. About trolley handle: I opened a discussion in general side before this purhase, someone (sorry, can't remember nick) advised that Airwheel trolley handle fits fine. I'm planning my own, something that folds above the wheel (because this will be definately used for offroading as well).
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