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About WillCO

  • Birthday 09/25/1967

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    Lakewood, CO United States
  • EUC
    IM V12HS, IM V14 50S

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  1. Used a dremel to remove material from the E-Rides plates, now the pedals fold up as expected (rather, they go far enough, as they hit my pads and feel like they wouldn't go any further without the pads, so more material may need to be removed if I wanted full-up). Didn't do much more than tool around to adjust dihedral angle (is that a correct term?), tho I'm riding tomorrow, so I'll have some experience on them in a bit. Folded/down...
  2. @Jayzao Got the pedals in today, but ran into an install snag, will need to trim the adapter plate (velcro plate) where it meets the inside edge of the pedals so the pedals will fold up (currently solidly down). Side note,I have the E-Rides pedal hangars/velcro plate on, so I may put the stock hangars on first to see if there's a difference in clearance. Or I may just go to town w/some shears.... I'll get some pics tomorrow after tweaking and a test ride. They are a little slimmer width-wise, and a very little bit longer than the stock pedals.
  3. Noticed the same, break-in seems to have the shock at a nice point now (loosened the preload ring as well). 240#
  4. @JayzaoCompletely forgot to respond, so better late than... Thank you! I ended up getting a new set (should say "ordering a new set") of Nylos from their new V14 line, UPS says they're delayed in Poland at the moment... See you Saturday (BlueSky ride). Will
  5. @Jayzao I'm in Lakewood, gonna have to get togther on a ride at some point (life's hectic, not riding much, but things are settling down finally...). Of course, Clark is sold out of the V10/11/12 (thus V14) pedals, else I'd grab a set. Thanks for the axle link, picking up a set for when I DO get pedals. If you don't mind taking a quick comparison, how much longer are the Clark vs Nylonove? Having asked that, I'll get my lazy a$$ on the internet and look up some specs.... Will
  6. @JayzaoGood info! Looks like from the pic you've got the Clark pedals installed.....did the Nylonove pedals work as expected as well? Asking as it appears the Nylonove pedals are longer, which would accomodate my size 14 boots better. Thanks! Will Edit: Looked at the NyloNove pedals, looks like I was mistaken. What are the larger (longer) pedals in the 1st picture above? Are those the Clarks?
  7. Biggest thing I found while learning to mount the darn thing was to not look down at the wheel, but look forward to where you're hoping to go. Made a huge difference in being able to get initial balance....
  8. Lowest pedal position seems stable for speed, but need to move them up at least to the stock position for trails Just ran into three unfamiliar unicyclists in lakewood, thought I'd blaze in behind them as they took a relatively easy trail along a creek. I'd ridden said trial on my s18 and v12hs, no issues. Caught a pedal and went down at about 15 miles an hour. Moving them up... Probably shouldn't watch MotoGP right before going out for a ride. 🤔
  9. I've got them on my V14, set them to the lowest setting so I could get used the wheel (using the stock pedals). The video posted above helped firm up my decision. E-Rides was very communicative, enjoyed dealing with them. I'd only ridden on the stock pedal hangars a couple of times before picking these up, so not a whole lot of comparison to make. I do feel the wheel is a bit more stable, and I'm pushing faster speeds easier than I was using the stockers, tho I'm still only on my 5th ride of any decent duration. I've not tried them off-road other than a rather wide trail around a local reservoir, so no idea if they'll tend to clip more on tighter singe-track stuff (yet). I grabbed them because I really liked the idea of adjustability for terrain. They were a breeze to install, and I used red loc-tite on everything (provided for the included bolts, I applied some to the stock hangar bolts that are re-used). Time will tell.... Hope to get out more to find some limits (both of the V14 and pedal heights. Was off any wheel for 6+ months to deal w/my wife's cancer then passing... screw cancer!). Will
  10. Caught a glimpse of someone zooming down Shaffer Pkwy headed towards Ken Caryl in Littleton today around 4:00. Couldn't make out the wheel type tho. Moving pretty good, seated. Had folks in the shop asking "What the hell was that?". Then, "you ride one of those?".
  11. Point.....got the #, delete if you need... @Josiah
  12. Been breaking in a new H666 on the V12, have been off it for months... (life). Lemme get back up to speed, and we'll figure something out!
  13. Across from Home Depot, Lakewood. Been meaning to check it out (I'm old, and can remember being good at roller skating...).
  14. I've been off the wheel for a few weeks (work is nuts, Mom's in the hospital, LIFE!), but grabbed it last night to do a couple quick laps and noticed the "!" on the display. Opened the Inmotion app, and found that it was prompting for a firmware update. Took 1.6.19 without a hitch (other than the long waits between packages, and one "failed" at the 3rd package, which finished immediately after it said "failed".) Used Android to do the update (Samsung S21). @techyiam Haven't ridden it long enough since the board swap to get up to full temps to check, but thanks for pointing me at how to do so, I'll (hopefully) get a ride in next weekend and report back.
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