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  1. I finally wanted to try something someone suggested and went to re-calibrate my wheel to see if that fixed it and it didn't but then I remembered that my wheel has a beep or voice feature so I turned on the voice announcements and it revealed a part of the problem to me of "overpower" warnings I just don't know what to do at this point if you need any of the other facts about this case most of my posts on this explain the situation and what's happening with it. I just don't know what to do about this.
  2. UPDATE: Better but still not working. I unplugged the hall sensor wire and saw one of the prongs were bent down so it wasn't plugging in properly so I lightly bent it back into place and when I plugged my wheel back in and when the wheel is turned on it beeps, and unlike in the last video it can roll forward and backwards without that weird brrrrr motor sound and wheel lockup, so that's better at least but the beeping and the fact that the wheel when im holding it upright wants to tilt backwards or forwards on its own (as seen in the video, also my dog hates the beeping) I'm not sure what to do at this point.
  3. maybe the hall sensor didn't really have a guide like the motor power cable did. before I take off both sides do you know what side that cord is in so I can just unscrew that and one and give it a try.(assuming power button is facing forwards)
  4. there is literally only one wire you disconnect from each side of the wheel to take the shell off of the wheel itself so I couldn't have connected wrong wires. one big motor power cable on one side and one smaller cable on the other side.
  5. I was replacing my tube for the first time and I only had to disconnect 2 cables and it seemed pretty straight forwards but now my wheel is beeping and making some weird noise it definitely shouldn't be making when it was put back together. the wheel rolls fine when it is off with no sign of catching. I figured before I take it apart (which I know I will have to do) I would just ask if anyone knows what the issue is. also when its on the led are sometimes solid red and other times blinking red. sorry for weird camera angle it was hard to film and hold the wheel.
  6. cool ill probably try out the wood and hammer method a little bit later. I'm pretty new to euc and haven't had to take it apart and really want to avoid having to do so. I feel like with all the video's of euc disassembly I would be able to do it but I feel like I would get really stressed that I would mess it up some other way.
  7. I was pumping up my tire and noticed this dent in the rim and it is only on one side of the rim. how bad is it?
  8. what is the insect repellant supposed to connect to?
  9. @enaon when I try to connect my phone to it via bluetooth it just says bluetooth disconnected on the watch. Also do you have and images with descriptions of what buttons do? If not could you just do some images of the different screens with arrows pointing to the buttons and what they are. Also what is the insect repellent?
  10. @enaon holding the power button for a minute worked and I was able to connect and download everything. I went for a test ride and it went great. it is an amazing job you did on this. I did try holding the power button before but only for like 30 seconds before I guess I just had to do it longer, thanks so much. on last thing id like to ask is when I ride on the simplified speedometer screen it has speed, temp, and battery and I noticed the battery was in volts, but when I clicked it it switched to a % instead but it was at 7% and it fluctuated up and down as I rode so I thought that that wasn't the battery % since my wheel was about 70% charged so I was just wondering that is displaying.
  11. Im not too sure about the flash, it just said enabling flash in a blue bar at the bottom of the screen, but that disappears after a few seconds. I think the problem is I pressed the disconnect button on the site
  12. @enaon can you link me to that thread and ill repost this question there please
  13. Ok so people have been pointing me over here the problem I am having is that the watch I got is a P22C1 and i downloaded all the files correctly, I had the 3 squares then one square then step 3 and 4 had a blank screen like it said it would. The final thing I did was to go to the github page to use the install all button and it was able to connect with the name P22C1 xxx and it connected. But it didnt seem like anything happened so I dissconnected and tried to reconnect to the website but it could no longer find my device. Now that it has been a day and sonce the screen was black before it wont connect to the site and I cant tell if the power button is working since ecen if it did nothing will pop up on the screen or even vibrate when i hild the power button. The big question is did I brick it? Also it is an android phone LG Stylo 6
  14. is their a way to maybe start the whole process over from the start? it just tells me no compatible device found even though it did the first time.
  15. @enaon I did everything up to the point of installing the files on git hub where you press install all apps and all that pops up at the bottom of my phone screen says enabling flash player and nothing else to show if anything is or was downloaded is that correct? Also when I tried disconnecting after waiting to see if my screen would turn on it didn't work and my device is not reconnecting and I can't tell why. I cant even tell if the watch is on or off since the screen is black or if the power button on the side is working.
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