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Forwardnbak last won the day on May 11

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About Forwardnbak

  • Birthday August 2

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  • EUC
    LYNX - V14 - V13 - V11 - E20

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  1. Before you know it it will feel like a small wheel. Just need to build up that extra leg muscle and listen to those fears. Those fears are telling you to stay at your pace while you learn the ropes. Your confidence will increase without you even noticing and in a month you’ll be popping stairs good luck, gear up and enjoy the pace of learning new toys.
  2. We have really good paths here and our city has embraced electrics. I can zip to the city quicker on my wheels than I could on my motorbikes, the traffic is the killer here.I am super glad we can ride separated from the traffic, I still see poor attitudes from other road users and cyclists regarding e transport. We have a bunch of Ehire scooters that scatter our city in an ugly way and lead to drunk inexperienced crashes this causes a lot of negative vibes about E-scooters and wheels get roped in. I think the biggest hurdle is people being able to try them first, most think it is harder than it actually is, they don’t understand the wheel helps balance so it looks a lot harder. Good stores like our local here do demo days and a few public events which allow test rides, these are great to promote euc. I have seen an increase in wheels every now and then I see someone out riding and I never did when I started. I think we are all still promoting it everytime we ride and it’s important to ride often just for this reason.
  3. I’ve been lucky I have 4 inmotion wheels and all of them are still rolling perfectly. I love my V14 it’s a great small trail wheel, I look forward to rolling on it.
  4. I’ve been rolling with FW 5.0.11 and so far I haven’t noticed any dip or bad vibrations or any of the weird issues that seem a little random? Some seem to be having poor luck and I’ve seen others with no issues like me. I’ve had the assists on 100% for a few rolls now and keeping the cameras on incase anything happens. I’m not jumping at the moment but plan a trail run in the next couple of days. I just added the Grizzla upgrade kit and heading out to take a little roll now, I’ll keep assists on and keep checking it. I told Linnea today I’ve had no issues so far.
  5. I think any videos out there help EUC, the more content the more people see and convert over to our world I really enjoy editing and have been trying to improve. I am looking forward to getting back out soon. I miss it heaps when I take a break Good luck with the edit! Rode mics are great! aussie company
  6. Yea nice to get rolling again, wheels are my happy place for sure I think inmotion deliver a nicer option being able to split the assists between brake and acceleration. I like the feel of Leaperkim maybe it’s a little more gradual
  7. I miss this forum just been too busy in the real world for a while. Hope everyone is rolling happy I’ve been playing with the Lynx assist and filmed a vid.
  8. Thanks I appreciate that. I’m taking it casual and just trying to enjoy rolling. I’ve had a heap of really tough luck behind the scenes lately. EUC is my escape atm. I live in top end of Australia and we have legalised E-transports but they are limited to speeds and certain roads. It is a good city to roll in, more states over here are legalising now.
  9. Sorry I didn’t respond sooner. The 3 values were different assist amounts it was actually 50-70-100%
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