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    V10F+V12Pro, previously MSX, V11

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  1. I'm testing with all the covers off and pressing the switch directly 😁
  2. Unfortunately, over the course of the last 24h, the original fault is back again and this time it's definitively not the rubber cover that's the problem. I've reopened the discussion with Inmotion and shall update here. @seanwheel: I've boxed it back up, but when I come to next charge it I'll let you know. I do know that the Inmotion chargers have an in-charger cut-off, so it's plausible that the charger will cut off before the in-wheel BMS considers the battery to be 100%. This is more likely to be a mathematical rounding error than a symptom of a problem.
  3. Thanks to everyone for your help. Inmotion gave me permission to do the disassembly myself, I didn't want to do the disassembly without speaking to them first for fear of voiding a warranty. I removed both side panels and the front panel, revealing the potted switch module. This module responded normally, so I knew it had to be something to do with the silicone rubber switch cover. After reassembly the wheel works normally and I have done my first 10m before going to bed (it's late for an old man :)). During disassembly this cover fell out freely, but when I reassembled the wheel the cover sat neatly in the hole in the front panel without falling out. My best guess is that during manufacture the silicone cover (orange square on the V12 Pro) wasn't installed properly in the hole in the panel and when the wheel was finally assembled this cover was pressing the power switch near constantly. I will say that disassembly is nearly very easy, apart from the f******g pedals. My goodness they've made removing (and adjusting) the pedals on this thing difficult. Four small Allen bolts that are only accessible with the short end of an Allen key because the pedal angle means that you can't get at them directly. If anyone on here wants to remove and move the pedal position around regularly I recommend getting the longest ball-end T-handle Allen key you can find. Now, sleep. Tomorrow, we ride.
  4. @Bastien Did you ever get to the bottom of this issue? I have exactly the same problem.
  5. One more quick update: I just disconnected the charger while it was beeping to see what it would do. The beeping stopped, the screen powered off, but I cannot turn the EUC on using the power button. I'm leaning towards a hardware failure in the power button itself. I've already emailed Inmotion service, and will follow up on that email.
  6. Minor update. I reconnected the charger and updated the Inmotion app, it prompted for software update. Software update is now done and the symptoms haven't changed, but I do have a little more information. The wheel is charging and I'm getting no alerts about voltages. The app was a good shout. I briefly had an alert showing on the wheel icon, tapped it and got a warning about not holding the power button while riding (I'm not riding, it's charging and turned off). The screenshot is attached. I managed to catch the wheel while it was actively beeping and the power button would not turn off the headlight. I could feel it (mechanically) operating, it was just having no effect. I captured the device log and uploaded it to Inmotion, and during this time the beeping stopped. Immediately the yellow warning triangle vanished in the app and the power button started responding again, allowing me to turn the lights on/off. Yes, both battery packs have identical voltages, I can't see a way to see the voltages of the individual cells. My current thinking (mostly speculation) is that there is a software or hardware fault with the power button, causing it to: Spontaneously turn the headlight on/off. Think that the power button is being held down, even when the button isn't pressed. Warn me about holding the power button, even though I'm not even in the same room. Have no way to detect the power button being pressed, so I can't turn the lights off when they come on. The EUC is still charging, we're at around 42% as I type this so I genuinely don't think there's anything wrong with the batteries, charger or charge circuitry.
  7. I've just received my new V12 Pro, unpacked it and the charge level is 28%. I took it out of transport mode and confirmed that it balances fine. I then put it on charge. For the first few minutes there was nothing unusual, however it's now beeping every minute or two with three slow beeps and the front headlight is now on. It does appear to be continuing to charge and reached 32% before I chickened out and disconnected the charger. Does anyone know if this is normal? Is it just trying to remind me that it's charging, or is this something worrying? The manual is extremely terse and mentions nothing of the beeps or headlight. It was powered off before I connected the charger, the screen has been activated by virtue of connecting the charger and I'm able to access settings. Pressing the power button does not seem to turn the headlight on/off as it did on my V10 or V11, but the wheel is still 'off' while it's charging and I'm not sure if the headlight on/off is expected to work. Does anyone have any comparable experience? Part of me thinks this might be normal as a way of the EUC making you not forget that you left it on charge, but it's a pretty frequent and annoying beep if that's the case.
  8. FWIW: This is exactly why ALWAYS walk my dogs with my hand in the leash loop. I'd rather be dragged through the dirt on my face than have one of my dogs off-leash chasing an animal.
  9. The tyre mouldings look identical. Without being certain I'd say it is a very likely match.
  10. Downhill the wheel will happily roll away on its own. Seen it happen first hand, seen it happen in numerous"I lost my wheel" YT videos. My leash serves to keep my wheel my own 🙂
  11. I'm very uncomfortable with low product quality being attributed to an entire race of people when there is evidence across thousands of products we all use daily that quality products do come out of China. What I think we're seeing here is the EUC side of those companies who are trying to make a product as cheaply as possible to compete on price, and they're cutting costs somewhere. Pay peanuts, get monkeys? Noting that I could be one voice in a sea of disagreement: Can we stop calling the rubbish products 'Chinese' and instead start calling them by the company name in the same way that we'd call a good product by the company name?
  12. Sounds like an interesting 3D printing project? Maybe 3D print some PETG carabiner-like clips and experiment until they break at the right tension?
  13. I have not found that my leash has had any dangerous effects. I've had several falls/slips at low speeds and the leash has saved my EUC from rolling away down the hill at least two of those times. While I do understand your concern I will continue to use the leash to not only preserve my investment but to stop it running away out of control and potentially risk others.
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