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Scottie last won the day on March 8 2022

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  • Location
    Indiana USA
  • EUC
    16X, 18XL, 84V Monster, MSP-Tq, Mten3, V11, Nik AR+, V10F

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  1. There is some talk about this subject on this old thread (before suspension wheels) that might give some ideas.
  2. Another quick one, this time, without falling in the drink! "Got a mind of it's own" ... I remember that feeling!
  3. A tiny bit off topic ... This is the 1st time I have seen EUCs featured in a major advertisement. I just noticed it as a YouTube commercial before my selected video. We might see this on network television soon.
  4. @OldFartRides I am in need of another adventure report, written like only you can do it!
  5. I will not be able to convince you to get a different wheel. Maybe someone else can. The wheel that I would definitely replace if broken or worn out is the 16X. I gives me more smiles per mile than the others, for many of the same reasons you listed.
  6. Dude ... that's hard-core! I hope you heal up well and make a good comeback. Take it slow and easy.
  7. Looks like the v11 is treating you well. You may have one of the higher mileage V11's! Tire tread? Wheel bearings?
  8. Grand old external combustion, plain old internal combustion, and futuristic electric power were all experienced in one outing with great scenery ... nice!
  9. That is another fine day on the wheel. May you have many more! Thanks for another good read. Always looking forward to these.
  10. An Old Bum One of my coworkers drew a special retirement card for me. She must have surfed a lot of YouTube to get a sense of it. I think she captured the feeling pretty well! Now I have to get out there and try to live up to the image.
  11. When I read Tawpie's post, I thought of sasquatch, but goatman beat me to it!
  12. Duf talked a bit about this a while ago, mentioning that gear does not usually protect us from over-torquing parts of our bodies which breaks bones, etc. Slow speed falls seem like they would be harmless in our minds because we feel like we will just step off and all is well. Most of the time it is true, but there can be those times when our balance can be undone and we meet the ground in an awkward way. Funny how the same subject can pop up in other places, Mike is talking about this with a riding buddy here for a couple minutes. The video is set to start there.
  13. @OldFartRides did you guys arrive in that Porsche in the background under the P51 engine? Yep. Gotta' have a wheel to "look around the corner".
  14. The 18XL is my 1st choice for a reliable commuter by way of its good reputation, performance, and form factor. My 2nd choice is harder to figure out.
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