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Finn Bjerke

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About Finn Bjerke

  • Birthday 03/10/1961

Profile Information

  • Location
    Nykøbing Falster Denmark
  • EUC
    Kingsong s22, Sherman S, Inmotion V11, Inmotion V13, Mten3.

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  1. Robse dine videoer er spist censuren ser det ud til...... ? (Danish) Why are your vids censored ?? weird (English)
  2. Mr B. your Sherlock Holmes comments are bizar and ridiculous. What planet are u from, Sherlock?
  3. Can I get this tnt j 2306 tire in EU,
  4. Rubber sole is totally overpriced, Rubber Soul is a Nice LP.
  5. Out of the box error on valve. Your arrogant assumptions are not helpfull. The begode app ain't working, tube misplaced, valve destroyed and the wheel had ridden 4 km before I got it. Begode SNAFU. Thx to eucworld app for fixing firmware upgrade.
  6. Cheap metal on this BB egode overpriced EUC comparing with inmotion and leaperkin this wheel is low quality materials.
  7. New et max wheel smells wonderfull , looks great. Valve misplaced and dented destroyed . Tube misplaced. 6 hours work. The wheels been on a 4 km ride before I got it Another Begode snafu.
  8. Okay 2 upgrades are needed for BMS for 20A charging (!) and the other one is firmware
  9. Very good of you. I have it now but can not register. Getting my et max tomorrow, hoping the firmware can be upgraded using euc world. I don't really trust begode after this. Too much SNAFU. Thx again
  10. 1. I understand that my new ET MAX needs firmware upgrade else its dangerous. 2. I need begode android app to upgrade firmware on my new wheel but the kindergarten ingeneers at Begode have not translated the app to English. Its in *loody chinese unless you change your phones default language to English (Im Danish) 3. The begode app from Android is not the latest updated verion that you can find on Begodes homepage. 4. Registering me as a user so I can upgrade firmware does not work. Conclusion: Catch 22: 1. If you want safety get app to upgrade firmware for begode EUC but register first 2. You can not register due to software errors. 3. Which version of app and firmware you need to be safe is a secret. Im angry but I hope I explain the problems here. folks Im angry - My conclusion is: Buy from other EUC compagnies, begode is still a immature and unsafe. I hope eUC world can help me, alternatively Ill just sell the damn wheel without unpacking it. Oh they ask me to sign this: Also begode have a youtube video about oiling the ET MAX - its in Chinese. Good luck with that ..... Got a 136v fastCharger from Begode - the voltage adjustment knob aint working .....
  11. I cant chamnge language in the begode app. So how can I do the urgent firmware upgrade ? Thx in advance...
  12. Roger charger and Pidzoom charger are overpriced since they have the 168V - Look here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000494992858.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller.1.6edeoTnMoTnMP8&gps-id=pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40050.354490.0&scm_id=1007.40050.354490.0&scm-url=1007.40050.354490.0&pvid=90185518-6cbf-4c79-8b43-1542f6f3bfaa&_t=gps-id:pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.40050.354490.0,pvid:90185518-6cbf-4c79-8b43-1542f6f3bfaa,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238113%231998&isseo=y&pdp_npi=4%40dis!DKK!1210.50!847.32!!!181.25!126.87!%402101584917276357154295330e04d4!12000037302369556!rec!DK!108180391!X&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller|query_from%3A
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