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Christophe Maziere

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About Christophe Maziere

  • Birthday May 25

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    rockwheel GT 16 / KS S18

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  1. Hi. I still have a little problem of feet pain on my S18. It wasn't the case on my Rockwheel. I tried yesterday for the first time a KS 18 XL, less pain ! . And I discovered the cause. Despite the pedals are almost as large as my S18 pedals, it's impossible to me to put the entire sole on them, because they are too close to the internal structure. And unfortunatly there is no XL pedals available for this model. Any idea to increase the width ? Thanks
  2. Question. I plan to buy a fast charger for my S18. Any suggestion with an affordable price? Thanks
  3. I've unscrewed the handle , on the right there is a mechanism with a liltte piece of magnet, I moved it and replaced it, now it works. @eve Thanks for your help again. !
  4. Thanks for your help. I'm gonna check this trolley issue tonite. The good news from my second day was the range test. I made 77 km !! ( I don't know in miles ), with 11% battery left on wheel log. My average speed was around 30 km/h , a bit less. I'm weigh 68 kg. I really begin to appreciate this wheel. Less pain today on my calves .
  5. @eve Thanks a lot. I've found the problem , there is loose on the trolley to the right. So, the engine restart when I lift (One bip, then two ) . Do I need to dissasemble thing to fix it?
  6. Got mine. Great wheel, but a bit disappointed. First of all, we are not shaped like Kuji. Impossible for me to lock my feet to jump, a torture for my calves. I'm a short man 5.5 , maybe I should try to move the pedal higher. I have an issue with the trolley, at the point to lift the wheel, the engine is still engaged. I checked on the app, it's on. The suspension seems to doing the job, but not at 100% and is not really easy to tune. Did you remove the iron bricks for improvment? Thanks
  7. I've just received my precious S18. What is your tyre pressure? I weight 68 kg (150 lbs) Thanks
  8. I've dreamed wheel with suspension. Here it is. But like everybody, I really like this model, but range seems to be the problem. I guess it's hard to find space to add extra batteries inside, but if there is no XL model, nope for me ! Especially that a wheel with suspension will spend and use more energy . Does anybody know if the tire is tubeless ? And easy to change ? Have a good lockdown !!!
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