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About M640x

  • Birthday 06/02/1964

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    Sierra Vista, AZ
  • EUC
    Kingsong 18XL, Veteran Sherman V1, Gotway MCM5 V2

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  1. I had two V10f wheels and both of them had that problem. I had to buy a fast charger from ewheels to solve it. Evidently the factory charger didn't have enuf "arse" to charge the wheel to 100%. Fast charger solved the problem with the first charge.
  2. KS didn't make it, they just bought it from the folks that made the jyroball.
  3. I'm personally going to get the 300wh version with the 40T cells. I've owned other mtens and use them for slow riding and messing around and usually only go 5 or 6 miles total. For my use case it makes no sense to buy a bigger one. With that said, I'd go with the ones that have the 40T cells. I agree with Meep... & House... per safety and performance. The 40T's have a 35A discharge rating while the 50E's have a 9.8A rating.
  4. I'm approaching 5000 miles of EUC riding but still remember the first days when I started. I tend to pick up physical things pretty quickly but learning the EUC wasn't one of them. It was 6 weeks before I could ride straight down the road more than 50 yards without falling. My experience isn't typical, most people pick it up much faster than me. Here's the one biggest item that fast forwarded my riding skills over anything else I tried.... as many miles as possible each time you ride! Once you get to a point where you can ride and continue riding, go on longer rides. I was still wobbly but went on a group ride. It was 26 miles and was the best thing I ever did. Until then I only would ride approx. 4 miles at any given event. That was my mistake, I wasn't doing enough miles each time I went to ride. My riding ability improved 10 fold on just that one group ride. After that I made it a point to ride at least 10 to 20 miles a day. After a month my ability had improved enormously. The brain and body learn every second you're on the EUC. My mileage experience: (others may vary) Up to 500 miles: better rider but still very cautious overall when riding. Not completely comfortable and didn't take much for me to fall on my arse. 1000 miles: much more comfortable when riding, able to relax more. Switching to a different EUC takes 100+ miles to get used to. 1500 miles: started learning to ride backwards, holy crap it's difficult. 2500 miles: riding is more second nature and am able to ride out almost any surprise obstacle that I run across. 2500+ miles: Learned to ride backwards, (took a year to become comfortable and proficient), which greatly improved all riding ability on almost any terrain. Every time I ride I throw in backwards riding. 4000+ miles: Approaching 5000 miles and can ride any EUC and get used to it in 5 minutes. Riding is therapy and always has been.
  5. I think it may depend on the tire that gets installed. If I understand the part of the wheel you're mentioning, there's room there and it doesn't rub. The tire profile isn't perfect and I have very slight rubbing on the left side once in a while. I looked at it last nite and I'll take care of it today. A minute or two with a small file and done. On the other wheels that have had a tire size increase, I just ride for 50 miles or so and my tire takes care of the rubbing. I thought about the blocks when I was researching the lift and it may be something I do in the near future. Usually after I get done with a wheel I'm "over it" and need a week or two before I'll get the motivation to crack the case again lol. Update: Rubbing gone... took care of it this morning. Update #2: Got to take the wheel out for a ride this morning, something beyond the driveway circles. Wow it rides different with the 2.5. Actually behaves a lot like a Z10 for those that might have had the opportunity to own/ride one. Wants to stay upright and the foot/body inputs from me are totally different. That part is difficult to explain except for it just plain out feels like a totally different wheel. I'm going to give it approx. 50 miles before I decide if I like it or not. I do however love the stability. It no longer wants to fall into a corner, I have to make it go into a corner similar to the Z10.
  6. Update: I finally installed the 2.5" tire on the 16S. I already had the tire and the wheel was already lifted so I said why not. The lift definitely helped with making room for it and it definitely has even more stability. Also installed a 2.5" tire on the 14D. Coincidentally it's the same tire that's on the MCM5 V2. Didn't know that initially, I just ordered a 14 x 2.5" tire on ebay. 14D pics are on the "Tire" threads. I'll see about getting a pic or two of the 16S on here.
  7. Ok so had to chime in here again. I finally got a chance to ride the 14S and compare it to the ride of the 14D. I have to say the 14D is so much more stable than I initially thought. The 14S is so much more "squirrelly" and loose as compared to the 14D. Even though the tire isn't all that much bigger and taller, it's different enough to make a pretty substantial difference in ride quality. If I can find some replacement side pads for the 14S I may get the 2.5" tire for it also.
  8. So the plan was to make a basic off road wheel since I have enuf others for street use. Nothing fancy, just some basic trail riding. I wanted to lift the 14D and insert a wider 2.5" tire along with maybe another mod or two. I ordered a 14" x 2.5" tire on ebay but little did I know that the tire I ordered was the same one that's installed on the MCM5 V2. I verified this with my new MCM5 V2 and also the EUCO web site. The tire fits on the 14D with no mods. Which means it will fit on the 14S as well with no mods and maybe a couple others. No rubbing and I didn't lift it or have to file any plastic. I wondered how a 2.5" tire fit on the 14D without any rubbing at all and truth be told the tire isn't really 2.5" wide, it's actually 2.250" (2 1/4") wide. So there you have it, the MCM5 V2 tire isn't actually 2.5". All total, the tire is exactly 1/8" taller and 1/8" wider than the original tire that came on the 14D. As far as ride, it doesn't really feel that different. Really the only thing I can tell is that it doesn't want to "drop" into corners as easily as before. It rides very straight and true. I also have a 14S (white wheel) and it's in the pics for comparison. The part number for the CST tire I used is C-1813-149.
  9. The 1st thru 3rd alarms are usually the first item I turn off. So I've turned on my 1st and 2nd alarms then back off again for the 6th time. Turned the app and wheel off then on again. Now it appears they're gone. I had the same dilemma with my Tesla and I had to do that procedure 3 times to get the beeps to go away. I guess 6 was the magic number. Good to know you just have to keep fu#$%ng with it and eventually it'll work. Thanks for the response. I also gave up a while ago trying to get imperial to work correctly on the Gotbegodeway wheels. Lol, I'm ok with metric.
  10. Hello all, got a question or two about the MCM5 V2 and the beeps. I just got this wheel and have owned a couple GotBegodeway wheels in the past but my knowledge of them as far as beeps, top speed, etc is pretty limited. Parameters: EUC World app Speed limit: Set to 42km/h Alarms: Disabled Speed alerts: Disabled Display: metric Right around 22 km/h I get 2 beeps, 30ish is 3 beeps, etc. Any time I hear beeps on a wheel it raises my eyebrow. On my T3, (Tesla), I got no beeps at all until I got close to the speed limit which was also around 42km/h. So just wondering if I should be concerned or if it's just a normal thing for this wheel. Also is there a way to turn off the beeps. Thx in advance.
  11. Yup I did know that info about the knobby tires. : ) I'll see what I can stuff in there.
  12. I measured when I put the 2.5" on my Tesla T3. Luckily, someone had already put the same tire on a T2 so I was pretty sure it would fit and it did very tightly. There's no plan to cut anything on the 14D but that "wild hair" may hit while I'm in there working on it. I mostly want the benefit of added clearance of the higher plastic and the possibility of a bigger tire. I'm pretty sure some of the street 2.5's I've found will fit. I have found a couple 2.5" knobby tires and I've also found a couple 2.125 knobby tires that I know will fit. I'll know more after I sky that 14D. Last thing I'll work on is lifting the pedals. I know there are pedal hangers made for that and I'm trying to find a simpler solution. There may not be but I'm pretty inventive and can usually come up with something that works. I know that just lifting the pedals does nothing for the hangers because they'll be in their original location but I'm mostly interested in getting the front and rear of the pedals higher.
  13. I like the ride of the 16S as is so I won't be lifting it any further but the 14D I just purchased will get a similar plate type setup as you have here. It should be here this week and after a 12 - 15 mile test ride I'm going to start the mod. The lift should be around 2.5" and I'll find a semi knobby tire that fits in there. Even though I'm a function over form guy and the lift is mostly for offroad and a bigger tire, I do like the way these wheels look when they're lifted.
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