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  1. It all goes smooth up until you try and put the shock back in place and run into this Links on my unit were bent like that.
  2. It is half-fixed. not sure which sound you meant
  3. Yes, they are standard, 6800VRS or 6800 2RS, there are also few other variations that fit.
  4. You must be thinking Chinese, Russian guys are not that skinny. I am 105kg (like 240 lbs). And I bet yours does not work properly too, you just don't know what it should be like. I did rewatch some of the videos from you guys BTW, and you definitely have the same issues. The suspension does not move at all over small bumps, large force needs to be applied to make it move. The guy who bought S18 from another guy here on this forum probably has the sliders jamming. not the issue with the shock absorber.
  5. It was a last minute decision to paint the links. I wish they did not paint them. They could not have known that paint will get in the way of pressing the bearings in. Bearings were not positioned straight because of bits of paint in there, few of them were even busted in the process of pressing in. Some of the bearings are not working inside the links, since they are skewed /improperly compressed, and after extraction they start to work. After removing the paint bits, they can be properly pressed back in.
  6. Broken silumin (after crash) spring washer next to already broken bearing
  7. Suspension is almost non-functional. There is so much resistance in it, it almost does not work. Only when you drop off a curb, it starts to move. It totally ignores small bumps. Most of ball bearings are broken from the start, there are spring washers instead of plain washers in some of the junctions, sliders are not exactly parallel, probably because the spacer is wider than it should be, and some other issues. KS fucked up really hard there. They might issue a repair kit with replacement parts to deal with those issues. At least i hope they do. There are few guys in Russia trying to figure out how to fix all that on their own, may be they can jury-rig smth. Suspension must be fixed one way or the other to function properly.
  8. try setting at 15 clicks, if nothing changes - contact the seller to replace the shock.
  9. Anything lower than 0.5C is not a fast charge. Some say fast charge is 1C and above. 5A charge is about 0.3C for this wheel.
  10. GW lets you disable all safety features. KS does not. Just wait for GW Ex. Along with suspension, there is going to be so much speed and range, won't be disappointed. Better choose the wheel that was tailored to your needs, don't try to force your needs on the wheels that are not made for you. PS I would want to ride Ex a couple times.
  11. As Marty said in his first look, it is rather a cheap ripoff, than spiritual successor.
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