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Predictions For 2019 New Wheels


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(Warning! These are predictions, not rumors or fake news!)

King Song: The most likely new 2019 wheel from King Song might be an upgraded KS-16s with the Tesla - I mean 2000 watt - motor.  King Song will probably continue to program the wheel with an emphasis on torque/acceleration/braking rather than top speed, and the KS-16(X?) will be more enjoyable, more reliable, and more popular than the Gotway Tesla, but more expensive and a year later.

InMotion: The V10/V10F will be very well received, so much so that there will be no big rush to release a new EUC design in 2019. This would be consistent with the new release schedule we've seen from InMotion in the past. The V10/V10F, with it's fat 16" wheel that rides more like a 17" wheel, will attract fans from both the 16" and 18" EUC market. And the V10/V10F will give next year's KS-16(X?) a decent run for the money.

Gotway: Gotway will release a new wheel, perhaps before 2019, with little fanfare and hype, that other companies will take a year or two to catch up to, as usual. But what will it be? The MCM5 comes out shortly, and it's the first super-charged 14" wheel. After that I think it might be the new 20" wheel that I've heard vague rumors about. This new 20" wheel will face some competition from the Ninebot Z platform, since the 4" fat 18" wheel will ride like a 20" wheel.  But the Gotway 20" wheel will likely be much slimmer, and have much better range.

Ninebot: With three versions of the Ninebot Z coming out this year, a new wheel in 2019 may be unlikely. If it happens, perhaps they bring the Fatboy style wheel to the 16" or 14" format. A 14" wheel with a 4" wide tire would ride like a 16 or even 17 inch wheel. It would be the first fully off-road capable 14" wheel.


Innovation I'd like to see from somebody:


I'd like to see an 18-24 inch wheel that comes with an accessory frame/seat/rear wheel combo that can be attached and detached from the EUC. The front forks of this frame could either attach to the base of the EUC pedals, or slide inside the EUC and attach to the axle somehow.

We've seen EUCs you can sit on, in the Monster and the KS-18s. At some point new seating options and optional extra-wheel stability will be offered. By who, I don't know. But a Ninebot Z style 4" fat wheel might be a sweet base to start with.


Ultra-Portable: While other companies engage in an arms race, with heavier and heavier wheels, somebody will continue to innovate in the sub-20 pound ultra-portable category.

I'd like to see an IPS-I5 style ultra-thin wheel in a 12" format, with the same basic size of the 1PS-I5, using the extra space for bigger batteries that can prevent power-outages/crashes caused by simple sidewalk bumps.



What are your predictions for 2019?











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