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Cannings last won the day on April 4 2018

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  1. My pebble lasts a week per charge
  2. This has to get round uk laws somehow
  3. So i've had my tesla at a forward 3-4 degree angle for the last week, and I have to say my little toe is really killing from being buried into the end of my shoe, i'm not sure if forward is the one for me
  4. Glad you're okay man, i've put myself in a position where I don't really have much of an option as my wheel "is" my transport to work and fuck walking after owning an euc lol. Pad up and get back on just like when you fell off your bike learning when you were 3, or grinding the clutch when learning to drive (americans probably can't relate to this one :P) we only learn from our falls, after mine I never go on that piece of pavement if i can help it as after re-inspection the pavement has what I can only explain of a sink in a line not big in any which way it kind of looks like this: ----------------\/---------------- but it is the perfect storm of if you're going over it, the wheel starts dipping into it but as its only small hits the peak of the curve on the other side and really doesn't take much to push you forward because of the counter momentum add that to the increased power draw due to the bang is what I think happened to me.
  5. We also have the issue that the uk =/= california!
  6. Jesus in the UK that is basically "Don't go outside" lol
  7. I assume it already has a storage of some kind to remember your last connected wheel so it would just be adding to that save to do all the settings aswell as what I assume is just the mac address of the wheel, how about a: IF(SAVEDWHEELS>1,Load profile select menu, just connect to only wheel) In theory this would also fix the wheel settings resetting every time you go into them as you could store them as your last set per wheel, yes its not a true reflection if someone changes the options with another app but neither is it now so meh. You would need an "add new wheel" button I guess for when you dont fit the above criteria, and that could just start you off with the defaults it holds now. I'd love to help, but I really can't do java, convert it to python for me and i'm all yours lol
  8. Nice! Yep UK has talent right here! It was quite funny I was in london a couple of weeks ago walking through regents park and my boss was talking about how he could understand the desire to have a unicycle down there, then someone on a white ks16/18 wasn't really sure rode passed us was wondering if it was someone on here.
  9. As promised, electric unicycle in company end of year film
  10. Anyway we can get a way to save settings to a file and then reload them, with the rate you're pumping out versions i'm resetting all my alarms and shit daily
  11. Your balance is hella impressive
  12. So we had some sun in England which itself is a miracle so this allowed me to have my first leisure ride on the Tesla, please excuse the random bollocks spoke all the way through
  13. Yeah I realise i'm on the brink I do only ride on the line on the straight flats, but the 100v monster is definitely on my list for later in the year I think
  14. So I got a nice deal on a mi sphere, £80 because it has a scratch on one lens, however its really not that bad and for doing it on the cheap is perfect for me. This is my ride to work yesterday, it cuts off about 2 mins before I get to work and it is just raw video as I haven't had time to do anything to it, if anyone knows any specific settings for the mi sphere that will make it any better i'm all ears
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