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Internship Opportunity At Sustainable Mobility/E-Wheel Startup


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Hi fellow EUC riders!

I wanted to post about an exciting internship opportunity for any young person you or someone you know might be interested in.

I'm the founder of Have A Go (http://haveago.city), a startup working to disrupt the current unsustainable, inefficient, and expensive car-centric transportation system with lightweight electric vehicles like e-bikes, e-scooters, e-boards, and other kinds of e-wheels.

In a few months, we'll be piloting several E-Wheel/Mobility Pop-Up events around Los Angeles to educate and excite people about this new class of super-green mobility, giving people the chance to try out various models of e-wheels.

So we're looking for smart, talented, and entrepreneurial-minded candidates who would be excited to lead such an initiative!

We already have 5 brand interested in participating so the initiative already has some steam.

Feel free to pass this along to anyone you might know!

Here's the full job description: https://www.indeed.com/job/lets-build-better-future-mobility-pop-lead-internship-fdf03b146f6aaa5a

Many thanks! 


Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 5.46.54 PM.png

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When it comes to small unknown start-ups, the term 'Internship' is usually code for "get some fools to work for us for free". Instead of trying to exploit young people by making them work for free, have you considered actually paying them for their work and time?  Are you interested in being my intern and looking after my lawn this summer?  I won't pay you a penny, but you'll gain valuable experience in how grass grows and how to lead a one person landscape maintenance team to success.  It's an exciting opportunity.

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