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Gotway iOS app not registering battery


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Greetings! Has anyone experienced the Gotway iOS app now showing the battery percentage as 0%? Seems to have happened about the time the app was updated in recent history. It started a couple weeks ago for me but I ignored it thinking future updates might take care of it. So far nothing has changed, my app still shows 0% battery even though it's fully charged. Have you seen this and is there a fix for this? Or is it a matter of waiting for another update? Thanks!

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12 minutes ago, paulpoperocks said:

Greetings! Has anyone experienced the Gotway iOS app now showing the battery percentage as 0%? Seems to have happened about the time the app was updated in recent history. It started a couple weeks ago for me but I ignored it thinking future updates might take care of it. So far nothing has changed, my app still shows 0% battery even though it's fully charged. Have you seen this and is there a fix for this? Or is it a matter of waiting for another update? Thanks!

I really feel sorry of all of you iOS folks. I'm thankful that Gotway hasn't changed their wheel APIs in a couple of years, allowing me to still use the Android app from 2016 to control all of my wheels.

Hope you find a solution soon.

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Hey thanks Marty. I also use another iOS program called DarknessBot which seems to work pretty well; it's got way more features than the Gotway app. However, it is missing the ability to change ride settings. So I kick on Gotway's app to make sure it's on the ride setting I want, then I can get all the rest of my metrics from DarknessBot. I just happened to notice one day that the battery wasn't reading correctly in Gotway's app. So I'm in business, not the end of the world, but it would of course be nice to have the Gotway app working. Just curious if others have seen this or maybe even fixed it. Doesn't look like it.

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Hopefully the folks behind DarknessBot can figure on the protocol that allows them to control the wheel. WheelLog figured it out semi-recently. Then everyone can drop the native Gotway app.

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