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SBU unicycle

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hi all, has anyone here bought or rode the SBU and if so what did you think of it in comparison to your euc?

i myself learned to ride a unicycle on the SBU and although I like the ride, I don't find it even close to as good of the stable rid I get from the Ninebot one E+ 

any way I would like to hear what people think about the SBU

thank you


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I tried the SBU once.   I didn't find it nearly as compelling as EUC.     Its close the experience of riding an actual unicycle, which can be fun but doesn't feel a dynamic of magical as riding a EUC.  I think of the main problems is that basically "stiff" from the waist down when riding with a saddle and the control comes mostly from your hips, which doesn't feel very elegant.  With the EUC you can use your whole body including your legs and it feels more dynamic, responsive and natural.

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