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Sam Clegg

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Sam Clegg last won the day on July 22 2015

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  • Location
    San Francisco
  • EUC
    RS, Z10, V5F, MSX, KS-S18, mten2, solowheel xtreme, KS-16X, ACM2, KS-14C

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  1. Its interesting that charging speed seems way more important than battery capacity here. The master pro, with its big battery, will only have an advantage for the first leg, right? I guess it could do fewer charge stops, but the overall time under change will be the same for any wheel that can charge at the same rate (aside from the first leg).
  2. But the v13 is limited to 14 amps charge rate. A lot of wheels can charge faster than that such as the lynx (18amps) or any modded begode wheel
  3. Yes, still available. Its high speed. Let me know if you are interested. I'll most likely be at marty's LA tour so could hand deliver if you are.
  4. Yes, its still available. I'm 175, mid-40s if that is useful. I think this is great wheel in general, I just have several others and I wasn't riding this one.
  5. Ah sorry I just saw this. If you are still interested I can ship it. I have all the original packaging.
  6. Barely used, never dropped. I've just got too many EUCs at this point (10) so I needed to get rid of at least one of them. Purchased from e-wheels Only 166 Miles on the clock No board issues, but replacement board from e-wheels comes with it. C&C spiked pedals 3A Charger + original pedals included Will throw in V1 Clarke pads for an extra 50 bucks If you are coming to WW5 next week in Portland I can deliver it right to you!
  7. Anyboy in BCN fancy meeting up for a ride either tomorrow or saturday (13 + 14 of Jan). I'm riding my new ACM16 around town. Been meaning to stop by the solorueda shop and say hi..
  8. Thanks! I'll check it out when I am there in January.
  9. Hi all, I'm traveling to Barcelona a lot these days, and since i can't fly with my wheels I was thinking of investing in one over there. Can you recommend somewhere that will ship to Barcelona, or perhaps you have a used wheel that you would like to sell me? (preferably gotway or kingsong).
  10. You have an actual store in DC? Where is it? I commute from Columbia heights down to near the white house every day. Ping me here or on my cell (415 6014661) if you'd like to meet up for a ride at lunch some day.
  11. Id love to join you guys. See you at 2 PM at the station. Would you consider heading up towards or through rock Creek park. I'm meeting my cousins there later in the day. My phone number is 415 6014661.
  12. Agree. And Agree. Headphones + high volume is a bad idea on one wheel or two, or four.
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