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Confused with Msuper v2


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Hello everyone :) I just received my first euc last week, an Msuper v2. I love it and am going offroad with it daily. Somehow I am a bit confused though about it's values (speed, alarms etc).

Somewhere i read that the alarms in the v2 MS version are at 23kmh, 25kmh and 28kmh. Now when I lift the Msuper up and let the wheel spin for testing, i get those results according to the gotway app:

All alarms on: beep at 23kmh - wheel turns off at 55kmh
First alarm off: beep at 25kmh - wheel turns off at 56kmh
Second alarm off: beep at 42kmh - wheel turns off at 56kmh

Now, when I turn off the second alarm in the app (i first press activate all alarms, then I press "close second alarm), when I ride the beep comes at around 25kmh according to the Runtastic GPS app (not 42 like in the test above).

Also the speeds shown in the Gotway app seem to be much higher than they should. For example when I have the first alarm deactivated, according to Runtastic that is about 18.7kmh, while it should actually be 25kmh.

Now these values confuse a bit. The "lift up and spin the wheel" test seems to indicate that I got a HS version. The beeping at 25kmh with the second alarm closed, almost looks slower than a HT version.

The tests where done with above 90% battery (which is the 850wh size btw). My weight is 96 Kilos, so pretty close to the allowed maximum.

Is this number mess normal? Is it in fact a medium Msuper v2 version (MS version)? It all seems a bit confusing to me.

Also, should the Msuper v2 adjust the alarm speeds according to variables like driver weight or battery state?

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Welcome to the forum!

When you turned the second alarm off, did you also turn off the first? The app may be confused if not.

The speed shown in the app is indeed larger than GPS speed, about 8% larger by my test on my MS version.

The alarm speeds are not adjustable, only on/off for 1st and 2nd. However, the alarm speed will become lower when battery level drops.

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Thanks! I also tried turning off the first alarm first, that did not change anything though.

On my Msuper the difference seems bigger than 8%, but I will have to check that.

What is your weight and what speed can you ride before the alarm turns on, when you got the first 2 alarms disabled? The 25kmh I can do, seem a bit slow for the MS version.

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11 hours ago, sunToxx said:

Thanks! I also tried turning off the first alarm first, that did not change anything though.

On my Msuper the difference seems bigger than 8%, but I will have to check that.

What is your weight and what speed can you ride before the alarm turns on, when you got the first 2 alarms disabled? The 25kmh I can do, seem a bit slow for the MS version.

My weight now is 75kg, I can ride my V2 MS at 28 safely on good road conditions. I always turn off the 1st and the 2nd alarm off, and the 3rd alarm kicks in at 24 to 28 depending on battery level. The maximum speed I've ever ridden is 35, but I seldom go over 30 because the lift test speed is about 40(real speed). It's better to stay within 75% of lift speed for safety for my weight.

Now I own a V3 with lift speed of 51, I disable the 1st alarm(25) but leave the 2nd on(30). In a good condition, I ride around the alarm(28 to 32). In this way, not only I ride faster than V2, but also more safe owing to 30 is less than 60% of the lift speed.

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When you say "the lift speed test" is about 40, does that mean when you lift the Msuper up and let it spin freely, it shuts off at 40kmh or the third alarm comes at 40? The 24 to 28 kmh seem pretty close to what mine does. Mine shuts down at 56kmh when I lift it up through. 

When I turn the first 2 alarms off and it starts beeping at 25kmh, is that already the last level of warning and is this the 80% power warning mentioned in the sticky post here?  Or will there be another warning? 

You say you stay 25% below the lift off shutdown speed on eucs in general?  How did you get to that number and what would you recommend for 95kilo+, maybe 30%? 

The v3 does look great and 30 is pretty much what I would like to do on the trails. I did not think I would hit that speed this fast on offroad trails, but now I wish my Msuper could do a bit more than 25. I don't really want to go faster with it though, without another proper warning before shutdown.

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4 hours ago, sunToxx said:

When you say "the lift speed test" is about 40, does that mean when you lift the Msuper up and let it spin freely, it shuts off at 40kmh or the third alarm comes at 40? The 24 to 28 kmh seem pretty close to what mine does. Mine shuts down at 56kmh when I lift it up through. 

When I turn the first 2 alarms off and it starts beeping at 25kmh, is that already the last level of warning and is this the 80% power warning mentioned in the sticky post here?  Or will there be another warning? 

You say you stay 25% below the lift off shutdown speed on eucs in general?  How did you get to that number and what would you recommend for 95kilo+, maybe 30%? 

The v3 does look great and 30 is pretty much what I would like to do on the trails. I did not think I would hit that speed this fast on offroad trails, but now I wish my Msuper could do a bit more than 25. I don't really want to go faster with it though, without another proper warning before shutdown.

Yes, the lift speed is the shut off speed by lift test. Mine is the MS version and yours must be the HS version.

The battery level is about 40% if the 3rd alarm at 25. The 3rd alarm is the last alarm and it is a battery related speed alarm, not '80% power alarm'

I got that 25% figure from my speed-torque chart with some limits and some typical riding scenarios(yet to be published) which comes from my tests, my own riding experience and many faceplant situations direct and indirect. I also plotted the weight-% chart, which recommend 50% of lift speed for 100kg rider. That means max speed is 28 for lift speed of 56 on a good road condition.

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My wheel carton says "Msuper, MS, B". Is there any way to make sure which version I got? MT, MS and HS versions also have different motors I assume? Although I won't open the motor up.

What did Jane Mo Gotway mean with " 3:80%功率:秒5把(连续)   80% power alarm,5 beep per second(continuously) "? Power just means speed in this case?

Does that chart of yours also count for other wheels or only Msuper? And does it also count for HS version if it's data comes from MS version? The torque on HS version is lower, so isn't there a difference in the power needed to stabilize the driver at a certain speed on HS, MS and HT version? I assumed the HS version would also run hotter on steep slopes than the other versions, especially when carrying 100kg, due to its lower torque.

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If I can do 25kmh on the HS version when the third alarm beep starts, would that beep start earlier for me on the MS version of the Msuper? Or would i be able to go a tad faster due to the higher torque to move my 95kilos?

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On 2016/11/2 at 2:20 AM, sunToxx said:

My wheel carton says "Msuper, MS, B". Is there any way to make sure which version I got? MT, MS and HS versions also have different motors I assume? Although I won't open the motor up.

What did Jane Mo Gotway mean with " 3:80%功率:秒5把(连续)   80% power alarm,5 beep per second(continuously) "? Power just means speed in this case?

Does that chart of yours also count for other wheels or only Msuper? And does it also count for HS version if it's data comes from MS version? The torque on HS version is lower, so isn't there a difference in the power needed to stabilize the driver at a certain speed on HS, MS and HT version? I assumed the HS version would also run hotter on steep slopes than the other versions, especially when carrying 100kg, due to its lower torque.

If your lift shut off speed is 56, then it must be HS version, regardless of what is said on the carton. My MS shuts off only at 43 app speed. 

The speed-torque chart is different for every EUC, it even differ for one EUC with different battery level. I'll explain this in my upcoming thread "EUC limits". The HS version is best suited for high speed trip, it will run hotter than HT version for hill climb at low speed, if it can climb in the first place. My MS version is not a good hill climber either, I've experienced many thermal shutdown(PCB is over 80 degree C) when I climb steep hills.

The "80% power alarm" is false. There is never a power related alarm because the 3rd alarm related to speed only.

When you say "carrying 100kg", you didn't mean to carry an extra weight of 100kg apart from body weight? Even your weight is 100kg, it is still on the high side, and is a disadvantage both for high speed and for hill climb. For a 100kg riding HS version, the steepest slope would be 14 degree at low speed. Also, I recommend not go over speed of 30 for HS version and use protective gears.

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That's what I thought too. I did not realize on the black motor rim it says which version it is. Mine actually does say MS version. EUC Extreme said, that the latest MS models use the HS speed settings. That might explain it.

That's exactly what I suspected about the temps. I was worried I might have an HS version, as I want to mainly go offroad with it. That would have been a problem.

I meant my weight, which is 95kg plus clothes. I'm right now using inline skates gear, but I'm already looking for a helmet and body armor for going more difficult offroad trails.

Looking forward to those charts! That will be really interesting.

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  • 8 months later...
On 11/3/2016 at 10:41 PM, sunToxx said:

I did not realize on the black motor rim it says which version it is.

@sunToxx sorry to revive this topic but i've been having confusion with my bips as well is this what you mean by rim code ? 

that would mean i have MS too but i bought it barely used so i think its quite recent. 



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