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MSuper V2 - 850wh range.....


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So, this morning, I had a shift swap, so was starting work 90mins later than normal.

Rather than do what any sensible person would do (and stay in bed!), I got up at normal time with a mission - I wanted to see if I could do my own London marathon, before I got to work !

And the answer was yes !   26.48 miles completed (GPS verified), and I still had 30% left in the batteries, so would safely see 30 miles, and at a push possibly 35 !

Despite how bulky these things are to ride, after 3 hours of standing, I could have have quite happily stayed on longer !

A great day for it too..... :D


WhatsApp Image 2016-08-05 at 10.04.49.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2016-08-05 at 07.13.39.jpeg

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13 minutes ago, Oily said:

Rather than do what any sensible person would do (and stay in bed!), I got up at normal time with a mission

Luckily - we're all crazy here :D I've used to get at 4 - 4:30 am to go for my early EUC rides before work ;) As the saying goes "Everybody is crazy only I'm an airplane" (though we might replace airplane with "EUC Rider" :P)

Nice trip and weather! The 35 mi expected range roughly matches mine on KS-16 / 840 Wh. I can do 50 - 55 Km regularly, could squeeze up to 60 if I'm easy on the "throttle" pedal.

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