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Trying to find a way to replace tire of Gotway MCM4 HS when tire is worn off or damaged

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I recently bought Gotway MCM4 HS (680WH).

And I am going to buy a spare tire for it just in case.  But I don't know how to disassemble the machine without damaging internal harness, taking just a damaged tire out of the shell.

I've searched the corresponding post in this forum, but I couldn't find it yet.

Which side should I first open to get the tire?  (control panel side or the opposite?)

Thanks in advance !


PS.  The below is mine.


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Welcome to the Forum. From what I saw here on the forum,  you can ride your wheel 1000 + miles and you will still have a lot of tire left. A lot. I don't own a Gotway but someone will answer your question. Keep wearing safety gear!

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Thanks, buddy.   I wear safety gears but helmet the look of which my wife don't like and by wearing which I got too much sweat these days.

Because I am an avid fly fisher seeking new fishing points arduously and this wheel is going to roll with me over unpredictable, rough terrains, I hope to get the spare tire ready all the time that will comfort me mentally: I don't want to wait long time for the fix when something bad happened to my wheel.

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While you're getting a spare tire, you might as well get a spare battery pack, and a spare control board, and maybe a spare shell. These are the components most likely to fail. 

If you're just concerned about punctures, you can fill the tires with special goo that will seal any breaches that occur.

Here is a video on how to disassemble the MCM4: 



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10 hours ago, WakefulTraveller said:

While you're getting a spare tire, you might as well get a spare battery pack, and a spare control board, and maybe a spare shell. These are the components most likely to fail. 

If you're just concerned about punctures, you can fill the tires with special goo that will seal any breaches that occur.

Here is a video on how to disassemble the MCM4: 



For me tire and tube are expendables while control board and casing etc are almost permanent. Ive had to change the tube about 10 times already and the tire maybe 5 times. Not sure why so often but my tubes always go. And ive learned to replace the tire with the tube because usually the reason the tube goes is not a puncture but a bad tire rubbing against it....(

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Thank you very much for the richer information than I've asked for, friend!   I have the feeling of love to this forum.

PS.  I hope to add one more question as the followings.

I have an iPhone to control my MCM4 to turn off 1st alarm, set tilt-back speed to 24km/h which is the highest one available on the menu of the app.

But after this done, riding faster around 20-25km/h ( measured in GPS app ) I heard 1 beep, double beeps, triple beeps continuously: it seemed 1st alarm not to be turned off; and I feel this very strange.  However, I have no other way to get around to turn 1st alarm off or elevate the tilt-back speed to 30km/h or the like through iPhone App.   The reason I tried to turn off 1st alarm is reducing cumbersome, yet distractive alarms from MCM4 HS, to more focus on meaningful alarms.

My MCM4 is brand new and high speed version which looks useless and meanless to have HS tag on it; How did you overcome this limit?

Thanks in advance.




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