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Hi . I will meet Tomek at the I am Amsterdam sign today 12:30 . Any Amsterdam riders would like to join us?

Had a wonderful time riding around the city yesterday. Beauty everywhere you look , friendly and curious people , lots of bicycles all around.  I think I am in love with this city!

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Hi Luiz !


Good for you ! :)

I was in Amsterdam and its suburbs at the end of last year with a group of wheelers from Paris, and we had a lot of fun !

It's a great city, with bike lanes everywhere, but please be careful, when you are not used to them (we were not...), you are always in the way of bikes, they go fast and rarely brake... So keep an eye out at all time, it is a little dangerous...




Oh, and of course :



Have fun ! And show us nice pictures :)



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Beautiful pictures Reivax . Amsterdam is realy an amazing city . I was in Paris on easter and had a wonderful time aswell . The Paris groups videos are an inspiration for all of us arround the world . Once more Paris lead the way (Vive le France?) . I would love to participate in one of your meetings some day .  I rode with Tomek and my wife today and had a wonderful time .  Thank you very much Tomek for riding with us today and showing us your beautiful city!!!?

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On 5/1/2016 at 4:38 PM, Luiz said:

The Paris groups videos are an inspiration for all of us arround the world

Wow, thanks :) We are lucky to have a big group in Paris, and several growing groups in other large cities.

We had a 49km ride yesterday, in unusual hidden cute streets around Paris, check the video, I hope you will like it :


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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Fahrtwind said:


does anyone know the legal situation in netherland? A friends wants to visit netherland for holidays and asked me about it. Thanks!


Before we went there I contacted a wheeler from the netherlands and he told me it was not legal to ride wheels on roads, but never had any issue with the police.

We didn't either.

Just tell your friend to be very cautious with bikes, they drive at crazy speeds and stop for nothing, and everyone is used to it except us tourists and we always find ourselved standing in their way.


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