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Any other 6th sense riders?

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Heeby Jeebies, intuition, premonitions, precognition, telepathy - it’s all real to one degree or another. 

Another tricky day is in the works….logic is good. Logic + intuition is better. Your results may vary.


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1 hour ago, OldFartRides said:

Heeby Jeebies, intuition, premonitions, precognition, telepathy - it’s all real to one degree or another.

It's not. Or at least it's not something you can rely on.
How often is your "6-th sense" wrong? I wager, it's wrong a lot, at least mine is.

Things we rely on for safety need to be reliable, like eyesight for example. Otherwise it's just an additional source of noise, not useful information.

Years ago I did spend a lot of time meditating every day trying to learn telepathy. I was convinced it worked, even though it never did. It's very easy to fool yourself.

Edited by atdlzpae
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12 hours ago, OldFartRides said:

Heeby Jeebies, intuition, premonitions, precognition, telepathy - it’s all real to one degree or another. 

I believe in the cases for the OP and @Robse, the timescale for them was a matter or seconds or less into the future, and the the proximity of the danger occurrence was immediately down the road.

In general, premonitions and precognition happens at a larger scale, and the location can be anywhere.

Logic + intuition + experience + active defense strategies are not on the same level as what happened to the OP and Robse, I believe.

For 99.999 % of the time, sure. But there is that really rare occurrence that occur where a person would not have been able to avoid the danger for that instant, and this phenomenon would allow that person to save the situation, if that person made the right decision in time.

It is not like someone saw the future, and then acted to change the future. Out of the blue, some relevant data is sensed by a person to take evasive actions to change the outcome for the person who doesn't understand what was about to happen, at the time.



Edited by techyiam
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6 minutes ago, atdlzpae said:

Things we rely on for safety need to be reliable. Just like eyesight.

Eyesight being reliable is debatable. But I know what you mean.

What happened to the OP is extremely rare, I suspect.

I don't think it is something that anyone can rely on; it just happens if ever.

If there are people who can rely on this kind of thing, I don't believe we would hear about it.

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58 minutes ago, techyiam said:

Eyesight being reliable is debatable. But I know what you mean.

Sure, some people hallucinate or have bad eyesight. I'm not talking about exceptions here.
Nearly a billion people drive and the only sense they are using to navigate their car is sight. And it takes on average more than 2mln km for a crash.
That is reliable, period.


58 minutes ago, techyiam said:

What happened to the OP is extremely rare, I suspect.

I didn't get any "6-th sense" warnings two weeks ago when I missed a boar 🐗 by 1 meter. Just happily riding and suddenly "Oh shit, a boar!".

I personally believe that most of the "6-th sense experiences" tend to be confirmation bias. You forget your "6-th sense intuition" was wrong 99% of the time. But that 1% makes you convinced it's working.

Edited by atdlzpae
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It's hard to put a finger on what exactly that gut feeling or intuition is, and why you are feeling it, but sometimes your body notices something before your brain has a chance to fully process it. Whenever I get that feeling, I pause for a few seconds and evaluate my surroundings. Usually, it's nothing. Sometimes, I'll realize there's a bobcat in my peripheral or that a surf break is particularly chaotic and I should probably stay away from it. I always listen to my gut.

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The mind/brain is an amazing as well as amusing organism. Sometimes it can be flawless, other times deceptive and delusional. For a lack of a better way of putting it, the mind likes to play its own games. Rather than let it lead you astray or relying on 6th sense, focus on the immediate circumstances and make a conscious decision.

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6 hours ago, atdlzpae said:

I personally believe that most of the "6-th sense experiences" tend to be confirmation bias. You forget your "6-th sense intuition" was wrong 99% of the time. But that 1% makes you convinced it's working.


4 hours ago, Scubadragonsan said:

The mind/brain is an amazing as well as amusing organism. Sometimes it can be flawless, other times deceptive and delusional. For a lack of a better way of putting it, the mind likes to play its own games. Rather than let it lead you astray or relying on 6th sense, focus on the immediate circumstances and make a conscious decision.

There is no question that all what is said above can happened to people.

I suspect even to be able to distinguish the differences between psychological phenomena, intuition, sixth-sense, divine intervention is an acquired skill, even if we assume all of them do occur.


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The existence of a 6th sense or a 7th sense can be difficult to accept because of seemingly tragic events. For example, a friend of a close friend of mine was driving her car and obeying all laws when she tragically hit a 6 year old boy and killed him. She wondered, where was God?

Yet, I have seen several incidents of highway patrol footage of officer being hit by cars at high speeds, seeming to bounce off without a scratch, or near misses of officers while on duty.

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Was me missing a boar 🐗 by 1 meter luck, or divine intervention? What about that time I dislocated a shoulder? Can gods both love and hate me at the same time?

The problem is that every time prayer & ESP are tested, it turns out to either not work, or be a scam. People are extremely good at lying to themselves, that's how so many "psychics" got into James Randi's One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge and found their powers "not to work" when confronted with blind testing.


The truth is that the universe is chaotic. Tiny changes have a huge impact on final effects. "Butterfly effect". Your arm is 10cm in a different position and you dislocate a shoulder instead of just shrugging the faceplant off. Your feet are in a slightly different position in a crash and your head doesn't hit the pavement, saving you the brain damage.

On every accident the world throws a 🎲 dice. Sometimes you hit a jackpot and you miss a boar by 1 meter. And sometimes you get unlucky and break an ankle at very low speed.

I'd rather lower my odds of getting a bad 🎲 dice roll by always riding cautiously and wearing protection. There is an ancient Greek saying - "The gods help those who help themselves".

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1 hour ago, atdlzpae said:

Was me missing a boar 🐗 by 1 meter luck, or divine intervention? What about that time I dislocated a shoulder? Can gods both love and hate me at the same time?

It feels to me like this thread is going beyond the scope of what was originally brought up in the first post.

The OP was riding like he always has without any issues. At the time, the imminent danger had not present itself yet, but the OP felt an urge or a need to make a stop all of a sudden out of the blue. I suspect most people if not almost all people would not have stopped.

I think this is key. If someone does what he does routinely without issues, there is no reason to take evasive action.

This has nothing to do with being in a close call, IMO.

By stopping, an imminent dangerous situation was void. If the OP hasn't stopped, it sounded like an accident would have occurred.


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