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I use my lynx in all weathers.  I wash it with a jet of water after off-road sessions.  After a deluge of rain, I removed the primary cover and then that of the CM.  I found no moisture, it seems waterproof.  Has anyone taken the motor and batteries apart to check for leaks?

Edited by peytole
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On 4/24/2024 at 6:30 PM, peytole said:

J'utilise mon lynx par tous les temps. Je le lave au jet d'eau après les séances tout-terrain. Après un déluge de pluie, j'ai démonté le capot primaire puis celui du CM. Je n'ai trouvé aucune humidité, il semble étanche. Quelqu'un a-t-il démonté le moteur et les batteries pour vérifier l'étanchéité ?

Please use only English on this forum. You should edit your post and rewrite it in English. 

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What about the buttons? They do not seem waterproofed at all and are exposed at the top of the wheel. It seems like they would pose a risk even in light/moderate rain.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, omuretsu said:

What about the buttons? They do not seem waterproofed at all and are exposed at the top of the wheel. It seems like they would pose a risk even in light/moderate rain.

You can see it more clearly in this video of them replacing the top cover on an early batch with buttons that stuck.

Its a a plastic case with the window+buttons are well bonded into that top cover with some type of sealant.  The entire top plate is functionally one piece with no where for water infiltrate unless you crack that plastic window.  And there is a rubber gasket/seal on the bottom where it mates to the motherboard bottom case.


Edited by Artillery
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Buttons are supposed to have gasket underneath but I don't trust pooling water around there so I put thin transparent self adhesive plastic film over there, works good.

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Posted (edited)

Is doing this for 3 minutes considered a high pressure water test?

I was thinking high pressure would be like a car wash.

Still, that’s more rain than I ever plan to ride in.



Edited by o u euc 2
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1 hour ago, Duccen said:

What about the bearings, is there any risk of water ingress there?

On all wheels, no manufacturer have solved that puzzle, modern wheels have an oil seal and grease protecting the bearing but it's often not enough and water gets in there anyway.

Latest iteration of S22 Pro motor (GF Manufacturer) has an interesting feature making it much more resilient, it has a small lip on the motor cover acting as a barrier so water just won't drip right into the oil seal, I think all manufacturers should copy this design.

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On 5/14/2024 at 12:17 PM, Rawnei said:

On all wheels, no manufacturer have solved that puzzle, modern wheels have an oil seal and grease protecting the bearing but it's often not enough and water gets in there anyway.

Latest iteration of S22 Pro motor (GF Manufacturer) has an interesting feature making it much more resilient, it has a small lip on the motor cover acting as a barrier so water just won't drip right into the oil seal, I think all manufacturers should copy this design.

How will you rate the bearing seal of the Lynx? Is it good to go off-road and rinse the dirt off afterwards? Maybe not with high pressure though.

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24 minutes ago, Duccen said:

How will you rate the bearing seal of the Lynx? Is it good to go off-road and rinse the dirt off afterwards? Maybe not with high pressure though.

A dice throw like most other wheels, the oil seal sure helps a bit but you can still get unlucky. I suggest not rinsing it at all, you don't want water dripping around in there, when you're riding the water goes outwards from the axle due to centrifugal force.

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