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Any tips for foot adjustment while riding?


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Good afternoon everyone! Was curious if anyone had any tips on adjusting you feet on the pedals while riding? The spikes on the pedals do their job to well and makes it hard to adjust my feet while riding. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Any advice is much appreciated. Cheers 

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Hey chaddict,

I could suggest maybe more than trying to slide your foot try more rocking it back and forward.

Keep one foot planted firm while rocking the other slightly onto the heel, then pivot a little onto your toes and shift a little each time to get the position you want.

Also try maybe slowly attempting to take all the weight on one foot and balance for a second one footed. Press your shin against the top of the wheel with the planted foot and step off the other pedal to move your foot. Try it slowly on grass when you feel confident. 

Good luck. 

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Hi @chaddict, welcome here to the forums. That's a good question,

17 hours ago, chaddict said:

Was curious if anyone had any tips on adjusting you feet on the pedals while riding?

That one thing has made me swerve and go off balance more than anything else. It's not always an issue though, for me because if I'm having a good balance day. Practice riding with one foot. You should be able to learn that as a new skill withing a few days to a few weeks, but when you do, then you can just ride one footed while you position your other foot how you want it.

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