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How riding an electric unicycle increases bone density.

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G-force is known to increase and decrease bone mass. G-force can be measured with an accelerometer. @rcgldr could help me test my hypothesis that riding an electric unicycle at least quadruples our exposure to G-force. The more G-force we are exposed to then the greater our bone density will be, likely becoming counter-productive at some point.

This would explain why I am always sore from riding my EUC, because it's kind of like water skiing, my muscles are always working against the G-force created by my electric unicycle and the electric unicycle is always stronger than my muscles can ever be.

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rcgldr Homework Helper 8,810 598 Lnewqban said: A rigid inverted pendulum The Stanford link shows an inverted pendulum that pivots on the upper surface of cart that can only exert a linear force. In the case of an electric unicycle, the pivot point of the pendulum is offset above the point of contact with the pavement, attached to a motor that generates a Newton third law like pair of torques at the pivot point. If accelerating forwards, the motor exerts a forwards torque onto the wheel, coexistent with the motor exerting a backwards torque onto the pendulum and vice versa. At the pivot point of the pendulum, the pendulum experiences both an external linear force and an external torque.

Reference: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/exploring-the-physics-of-a-self-balancing-electric-unicycle.1048682/

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I dont think it works that way. Runners would have a bone density that is absolutely through the roof if it did, due to the repeated shocks of their feet hitting the ground. EUC riding does strengthen the core, that much is undoubtedly true. Especially the low speed, tricky offroad stuff. And it is probably low impact and friendly to your joints and discs too. Unless you crash, of course.

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34 minutes ago, earthtwin said:

I hypothesize that the subconscious mind increases bone density to save the body from a crash. The subconscious is able to respond to risk without the conscious mind even getting involved.

Then you must be fully covered :rolleyes:.

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14 hours ago, earthtwin said:

riding an electric unicycle at least quadruples our exposure to G-force.

An electric unicycle can't achieve 1 g of acceleration, braking, or turning. The highest g force would come from a jump or drop, but only for a brief moment. The fatigue is mostly due to squatting (knees bent) for a prolonged amount of time and absorbing bumps and dips.

To increase bone density, exercises that stretch or compress the bones help. I work out with weights.

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If you crash a lot you would be increasing bone density... assuming that you weren't breaking the bones. In Muay Thai, martial artists repeatedly kick their shins against trees to invoke the increase in bone density. So I guess to answer your question, yes, you can increase bone density riding an EUC. The real question is do you really want to?

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