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Review of the Inmotion V13 System Clark Pads


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I have had the V13 Clarkpad System for over a month now. They do leave small gaps around the impact bars neat the bottom. Also, I create a video of showing that the seat piece along the bottom edge protrudes out and is not flush to the side of of the wheel, and rubs against  the inside of my thighs. I put some rubbery foam strips over the affected area to lesson this issue.  Other than that, they are good quality and provide good protection, although I haven't crashed my wheel to test them. 😅.  Hopefully it never happens. X

Edited by pixelmajic
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I did notice that the seat was not flush but did not mind. I did not notice any rubbing on my thighs when I did seated riding though. Maybe because I was wearing motorcycle pants.

The little gaps in connecting the front pads to the tiny pads  as well the seat to the rear pads bothered me so I used longer screws. 

The pads are certainly high quality and should provide ample protection in buffering  impact. I certainly hope I will not get to test it though. 

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On 3/13/2023 at 4:36 AM, Ethereal said:

The little gaps in connecting the front pads to the tiny pads  as well the seat to the rear pads

I didn’t see this issue.  They fit snug before the screws went in. 

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