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Using Power Pads with a wheel cover


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So I learned how to ride a EUC on a V12 HT just last month. In the process my HT had a few spills and got a bit scuffed up. I decided that the a wheel cover from Oneride would be a good investment that would help protect the wheel while also helping it not get more damage later in life. At the time I didn't use any pads. 

However, I found that pads really help improve ride quality and control. 

I don't want to remove the cover, so I put velcro on the cover itself. This works, but the pads can slide a bit due to the stretch-i-ness of the cover material. This is like a milimeter or 2. Nothing drastic. 

Is this stupid? Would the pads be drastically better without the cover in place? 

Is anyone else using a cover with pads? Any tips to improve it overall? 


Edited by 2disbetter
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I use  Grizzla Flow with Roll.nz bodyguard with v12 HT. Not much movement but I guess it would be better without the cover, especially for jumping,

Thinking of upgrading to Clark Concept 3 Biopads  https://clarkpads.com/collections/pads/products/clark-pads-concept-3-biopads

and removing bodyguard for good as I had very few incidents and always think these ever slight movements make pads less effective.

Maybe I dont need new pads at all but i like Clarkpads having unique backpanel for both front and back pads, sort of preconfigured postiion,

I just struggle to put left and right side in completely simetrical position...but this is not the topic.


Edited by versus
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12 minutes ago, versus said:

Thinking of upgrading to Clark Concept 3 Biopads

I really like these. I like that they are designed to hug your leg and connect it to the wheel. I have found that the tighter my leg is on the wheel the better everything is. Less wobble, way more agility and control. 

So far I think I need to just move my braking pad much higher up. I think that would provide a lot more control to me. 

I don't know if the Biopads are too big for the V12 though. But I might just pull the trigger on those anyway. 

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20 minutes ago, 2disbetter said:

I have found that the tighter my leg is on the wheel the better everything is. Less wobble, way more agility and control. 

Interesting. I think the traditional view is that wider is better, certainly for controlling wobbles. But I would have to agree, even with the Grizzla Flows I use - sometimes you do want your 1 or occasionally both legs right up on that wheel, especially when cornering.

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7 hours ago, 2disbetter said:

Is this stupid? Would the pads be drastically better without the cover in place? 

Is anyone else using a cover with pads? Any tips to improve it overall? 

Personally, I wouldn't want type or kind of give against the pads and would also question the long-term holding capability of the velcro to the soft cover.

Assuming the cover will take abuse at some point and not always be aesthetically perfect, I wouldn't shy away from cutting power pad perimeter-shaped holes on each side to allow the pads to mount directly to the shell-velcro. You can always use a lighter/heat (if material is nylon), (hot) glue, or even duct-tape to keep things smooth against the leg on the edges after marking and cutting to prevent them from fraying further after this mod.

I've been using similar grizzla-type pads for many trail miles now and find the overall geometry to be a great balance between being gaining more locked-in control and not getting my feet caught up in a wreck or off-wheel event by being too locked-in. I've had a lot of them too so it's not just conjecture speaking.

One last thing - looking at where you mounted your pads, I will say it looks like your brake pad is mounted pretty low limiting the amount of braking leverage you can apply. If it's mounted that way to pick up the rear edge of your shoe for jumps, I'd consider switching to a nice flexible/comfortable/casual motorcycle boot with higher edges to allow the brake pads to be mounted higher (as well as better protection for the feet and ankles). Just a suggestion.

Edited by Vanturion
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9 hours ago, 2disbetter said:

Is anyone else using a cover with pads?

I cut holes in my roll.nz (:efef585a74:), looks ok except for the hole for the brake pad that doesn't have a brake pad in it anymore cuz I don't like the brake pad on my 16X. Nothing else really worked. But if the little bit of slip'n'slide you get from the material stretching can be tolerated, declare it good enough! Otherwise, start channeling your inner surgeon.

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10 hours ago, Tawpie said:

Otherwise, start channeling your inner surgeon.

Thanks! It never even occured to me that cutting the cover was an option. Thanks! I have adjusted things with my pads. I saw in a video someone saying (I think was Roger from Socal) that the higher your brake pad is, that it will be better at preventing wobble. So I did that, and while I couldn't REALLY test it, I was able to go out and give it a whirl. I had less wobble in breaking. 

But I am still working out how to go faster on it without wobble. Trying to improve my carving and the back and forth of my weight distribution as a means to stop it. 

I have yet to go faster than 40 km/h on the V12 HT. I would really like to be able to cruise at around 50 on it. So still work to do. 

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