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Sherman motor vibration


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I have a Veteran Sherman V2 which produces a high frequency vibration from 15 to 27kph, also much stronger when accelerating but it doesnt do it at high speed or very low speed.
I'm wondering is it just a motor default, or something that has to do with axle nuts ?
I've checked all screws exept axle nuts but it doesnt do a knocking sound.

Thank you for your help

Edited by Pingouin
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  • Pingouin changed the title to Sherman motor vibration

Vibrating in torque moments is normal all other is bad sign.

Maybee you bearings start make trouble nothing special bearings is weak point V2 batch.

Axle sound is "click" when breaking or acelerating vibrating not.

Maybee you tire is missaligned or this vibration is knoby tire default vibration.(what tire you have?) 


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Hello @DjPanJan thank you for your reply !

I tested a sherman V1 it doesn't have this issue. When the motor is not engaged, if I freespin the motor there is almost no vibration, its when the motor is on however if I make it freespin it doesnt make any noise or vibration, only when I'm riding on it.
The tire is perfectly aligned and its the street tire so its probably not coming from there.

I'm wondering if its not just the motor that is like that with its imperfection.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

I have this issue happening as well with my Ninebot Z10, it's been happening for a long time. It's so annoying because I want everything to be perfect, but it doesn't affect the riding at all. My wheel makes a slight vibration with a soft vibration noise complaint. It happens even if braking below 1mph, and is  common between speeds 7mph and 11 mph and is completely absent at higher speeds. The vib and noise are more pronounced at lower charge than full charge.

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  • 11 months later...

hey man, did you solved the problem with vibration? i have veteran sherman v2 and recently noticed the same problem as yours. is it tire, bearings? please let me know, it’s irritating me! 


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