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Does GotWay Unicycles have 2 Bluetooth chips?

Vam Monaco

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i’ve been having a plethora of electronic problems with my RS19 C30 and the most recent one is that it stopped playing music. My iPhone doesn’t see GW_music_8803 but it connects to GotWay_45202 via the Begode app. 

Are these signs that my motherboard is going bad and the wheel might lock up while riding it?

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5 hours ago, Vam Monaco said:

Are these signs that my motherboard is going bad and the wheel might lock up while riding it?

Possibly, but usually the begode bt music on the RS is done by a module inside the red speaker box. It's horrendously slow at advertising itself (like once a minute in some cases) but it may be that it's just disconnected from the DC board inside.

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there are 2 separate BT devices, Gotway_xxxxx for the euc setting and GW_music for the BT speaker

don't know witch batch you have, latest one has BT module on the right inside a box and speakers on the left ( no more all in one red box )

if you have issue with music you can simply try the speakers of a friend wheel, you need only to plug one cable

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